Everything We Know About Kim Cattrall's Boyfriend, Russell Thomas

Sex and the City's Samantha Jones is known for her sexual expression and short-term flings, but (spoiler alert) she eventually finds love with a struggling actor in his twenties. Despite Samantha's commitment issues and the 20-plus year age gap between the two, the couple stays together throughout the show's finale, only breaking things off in the franchise's first film "Sex and the City: The Movie."

Funnily enough, Samantha isn't the only one to make it work with a younger man, as the character's iconic actress Kim Cattrall has similarly found herself in a happy, age-gap relationship. The "How I Met Your Father" star has been dating Russell Thomas since 2016, a man who is 14 years her junior. This is not only a smaller age gap than experienced in Sex and the City, but both Thomas and Cattrall are considerably older than Samantha and her twenty-something beau Smith.

Even so, fans may wonder about the celeb's significant other. Thomas isn't a public figure, so little is known about his background and personal life, but Cattrall does provide peaks into their relationship through social media and press interviews.

Cattrall shares how she met her current boyfriend

As mentioned, Russell Thomas isn't any sort of celebrity or public figure, which isn't an uncommon attribute of Kim Cattrall's romantic partners. Accordingly, the two met through Thomas's job as a BBC radio producer, where he worked with Cattrall to record an essay she wrote about her struggles with insomnia, per People Magazine.

The "Filthy Rich" actress shared that the relationship took a bit of a modern turn from there. She toldĀ Glamour, "Russell [Thomas] and I met at the BBC. He was working at the BBC and we liked each other. He followed me and I followed him on Twitter, [then] he direct messaged me. It was very, very modern. It's just been very easy."

Cattrall also tells People Magazine that the duo kept in touch until Thomas came out to Vancouver, "It was very brave of him because we didn't really know each other rather than having a few meals together. But he came and we got along great, and we've been together ever since!"

Thomas and Cattrall's life together is 'comfortable'

Kim Cattrall has shared details about her life with her long-term partner, giving insight into who Russell Thomas is as a person. The duo actually have British heritage in common, with Thomas being from Manchester while Cattrall's family is from Liverpool.

Their shared roots are something they bond over when it comes to having a good cup of tea, but it's also created a playful rivalry between the two when in terms of European football. The celeb even shared a photo on Instagram back in 2020 of the couple reacting to a soccer game, with both Thomas and Cattrall cheering in front of their TV screen.

While the "Sex and the City" actress doesn't always feature personal moments on Instagram, her posts with Thomas seem to reflect the heartfelt sentiments that she shared with People Magazine: "I'm very comfortable around him. He's a firecracker and he's got a wicked sense of humor. Really bright, really smart, and he's easy on the eyes! And I just love him. I think he's a great match. He's a great match worth waiting for."