What Is Barron Trump's Relationship With His Nieces And Nephews Like?

Barron Trump is the youngest of Donald Trump's five children and the only child of Melania Trump. Barron is closer in age to some of his nieces and nephews than he is to his half-siblings. The closest, in fact, is Tiffany Trump, who is 13 years Barron's senior. Barron has a total of ten nieces and nephews — not many 17-year-olds can say that! While Barron has notably been kept out of the public eye, he's grown up as the son of a reality TV star, real estate tycoon, and president, so we still have managed to garner a few tidbits of info about him as an uncle.


Barron and Melania moved into the White House in June 2017. Barron was 11 at the time and while he was there, the youngest Trump got to enjoy spending some quality time with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's three children. In an interview with "Fox and Friends," Ivanka discussed how her kids liked to play with Barron, particularly her oldest Arabella, who is five years younger than him. 

"Hearing their laughter chasing after Barron or poor Joseph, his tears because Barron and Arabella don't wait for him and he's three and a half," Ivanka gushed (via Hello! magazine). "They'll send him on random chases and distract him and send him off in different directions. They traumatize Joseph a little bit." Sounds like when it comes to Barron and his niece and nephews, they share more of a sibling relationship.


Barron Trump spent time with Ivanka's kids at the White House

It makes sense that Barron Trump had more playtime with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's three kids while he was at the White House; they were probably there more often than his other nieces and nephews since both Ivanka and Kushner worked in the Trump administration. Barron had a particularly cute moment in the Oval Office with Ivanka and Jared's youngest son, Theo, when he was just a baby. 


Ivanka shared a video on X, formerly known as Twitter, with the caption, "My youngest brother proves he's a baby whisperer — while my father signs his first executive orders." The sweet clip shows Barron smiling and playing peek–a–boo with his little nephew, who definitely seemed to like the attention.

One fan commented on the video: "That is too cute! Looks like Uncle Barron knows what he's doing!" If this interaction is any indication, Barron is a fantastic uncle, happy to play and have fun with his nieces and nephews, no matter their age or the situation. 


He horsed around with Donald Trump Jr.'s kids at Mar-a-Lago

Thankfully, Barron Trump had plenty of opportunities to see Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's kids during his post-White House life as well since both families live in Florida. Likewise, we have been able to glimpse a few moments of fun between Barron and some of his eldest brother's kids over the years too.


For Christmas in 2017, Donald Trump Jr. posted a picture on Instagram of Barron playing with two of his sons, Tristan and Spencer, seemingly at Mar-a-Lago with Donald Trump playfully giving Barron bunny ears in the background. Then, in 2018, Barron was spotted having fun at the traditional White House Easter Egg Roll along with Don Jr. and four of his children.

Like so many families, it seems like Barron gets quality time with his nieces and nephews predominantly during the holidays. While we haven't seen them at too many celebrations publicly, we'd like to think that what we have seen of Barron and his nieces and nephews shows the love and fun they share.

