President Biden's True Feelings About Donald Trump Are Reportedly NSFW

Political rivals firmly seated in opposing parties, President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump have gotten into it more than a time or two. When they ran against each other in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the two candidates were often charged and emotional during press conferences and debates, with the usual litany of insults and complaints about each other's leadership styles spewing forth.


During a 2020 media event, Deadline reported that Trump referred to Biden as "a sleepy guy in the basement of a house." Kicking off a years-long nickname, the businessman referred to his opponent as "Sleepy Joe" for the rest of the election and beyond. Biden lost his cool during the first debate and called Trump a "clown."

With the 2024 presidential campaigns in full swing, the duo are once again entwined, both battling for the top position in the United States, and both upping the ante on their not-so-nice opinions of each other. Trump has switched "Sleepy Joe" to "Crooked Joe." Biden, who has mostly refused to say the T-word, opting instead for the last three years to use "the other guy" and "my predecessor," has let a much more colorful, NSFW moniker come to the forefront, letting the F-word fly free. 


Biden drops all sorts of bombs

Three years to the day after the attack on the Capitol, President Joe  Biden made an appearance at a community college in Pennsylvania, talking about democracy while campaigning. During his speech, a transcription of which was posted by The White House, he referenced Donald Trump's comments and jokes about the violence against Nancy Pelosi and the assault on her husband in their home. "And he thinks that's funny. He laughed about it," he told the audience. "What a sick — ." He stopped himself before finishing the sentence in a very public venue, but in private? Not so much.


According to Politico, when he's with friends and aides within his personal circle, Biden isn't afraid to drop the f-bombs when it comes to Trump. The outlet reported him telling someone his opinion of the former president: "What a f***ing a**hole the guy is." He's also fully finished the sentence from his speech, referring to his predecessor as a "sick f***" on multiple occasions. 

The president keeps his public persona mostly rated G (PG-13 in his most charged-up moments), but he has sworn in public before, thanks to a hot microphone while in Florida in September 2023. CNN shared his caught-cursing comment: "No one f*** with a Biden."

