The Untold Truth Of The Bachelorette's Jed Wyatt

The Bachelorette's Jed Wyatt, one of lead Hannah Brown's finalists for her hand in marriage, has proven to be full of surprises — just as the whole 15th season of the show has been as well. Ask any fan — Season 15 has been a doozie! While no one has jumped over any fences this time around, there's certainly been no shortage of drama, both in front of and behind the camera. Combine that with the rumor mill that is the Internet, and you've got enough gossip to keep you constantly guessing. We're looking at you, Reality Steve!


Despite the speculation, one thing is for sure: Hannah B has proven herself to be a class act. She's truly shone on The Bachelorette, following being eliminated from The Bachelor by Colton Underwood. In fact, we're glad she got eliminated because we wouldn't have had such an epic season with her at the center otherwise — not to mention contestant Jed Wyatt, whose presence has sparked dozens of questions. Did he join the show for himself and his career? Is it true that he had a girlfriend back at home? This is the untold truth of Jed Wyatt.

The Bachelorette's Jed Wyatt is quite the fitness guru

If it wasn't already obvious from looking at the guy, Jed Wyatt obviously has a pretty good gym regimen. His physique, something he shows off quite often on his Instagram page, is arguably quite impressive, with his very visible six pack, bulging biceps, and rippling quads. No wonder Hannah Brown found him to be oh-so-dreamy. Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it, right?


Well before Wyatt was competing for a chance to become Brown's main squeeze on The Bachelorette, however, Wyatt appeared to consider fitness to be more than just a hobby. Rather, it seems that he was a diet and exercise professional, according to a post on his Facebook page. "It makes me so happy to see people getting results from my diet and workout plans," he wrote in the caption, showing off a text from a client. Wyatt also shared a post on his Instagram page, offering dietary advice.

It makes sense given that, as he is a passionate musician, a side hustle would help get the bills paid. But after Season 15, who knows where he'll end up next.

The Bachelorette's Jed Wyatt has graced the stage of a burlesque show

Speaking of side hustles and needing to pay the bills, it appears that being a fitness coach wasn't the only thing The Bachelorette's Jed Wyatt did in order to pay the rent. According to several posts on Instagram, our boy has pulled a Magic Mike on more than one occasion, as he's taken off at least his shirt for some appreciating audiences. No judgments here, as it takes a lot of labor and discipline to be that fit. Kudos, Jed!


Specifically, it looks like Wyatt was moonlighting at the Music City Male Revue, a burlesque performance troupe, located in the heart of Nashville. It's the only "PG-21" show featuring men in the Nashville area, and the business boasts that it's the kind of place you can take your "soon-to-be-mother-in-law" and not feel totally weird. Looks like Wyatt had one a fun side job.

The Bachelorette's Jed Wyatt really is a family man

When Hannah Brown finally got the opportunity to meet Jed Wyatt's family, one thing was very clear: They're very protective of him and extremely close-knit. And while you always wonder a little bit about how much is real on reality shows, the family relationship does appear to be the real deal. "My family means the world to me," Wyatt mused in a 2016 post on his Instagram page. "It's funny how two years ago I wouldn't have wanted to go anywhere near home for spring break but now I miss it more than ever and wouldn't have wanted to spend spring break anywhere else." That was long before he was being considered for The Bachelorette, showing that the Wyatt family is indeed really tight.


Wyatt also had advice for his Instagram followers. "Don't take for granted your time with your loved ones," he shared. "I promise you will miss it." It doesn't get any more wholesome than that!

For a musician, Jed Wyatt's YouTube channel isn't much

From the second viewers of The Bachelorette were introduced to Jed Wyatt, they learned just how important his musical ambitions are to him. And he never missed a chance to serenade Hannah Brown, something she was obviously charmed by. Apparently pulling a Say Anything really can work in real life!


But given how Wyatt prioritizes his music career over pretty much everything else in life, it's a little odd that he's put almost no work into his YouTube channel. With only two videos and a paltry 330 subscribers at the time of this writing, the channel's not going to be his ticket to fame and fortune. The same is the case with his Spotify page, which has only four songs and about 33,000 monthly listeners. By the looks of it, our boy is definitely relying more on impressing at live gigs than he is amassing a Spotify following like artists Billie Eilish and Lourde.

But perhaps Wyatt's original motivation for going on The Bachelorette — to bolster his burgeoning career — will pay off for him in the end, as he does have over 382,000 followers on Instagram as of this writing.


The Bachelorette's Jed Wyatt is an animal lover

Speaking of Jed Wyatt's Instagram page, there's another thing you can't miss when you scroll through it: He really, really loves animals. "You will not see me happier. Ever," he wrote in in a 2017 post on his Instagram page, showing himself curled up with an adorable puppy. Awww!


That's just the start of it, too. In January of 2019, the Bachelorette star posed in a picture with a golden retriever named Basil, and he included with that post a video of a puppy. "Swipe to have your heart fall through the earth into some unknown atmosphere," he penned in the caption. That post was accompanied by multiple pictures and videos of Wyatt hanging out with all kinds of different pooches. Clearly Wyatt has never met a dog he didn't like, and we're completely on board with that.

And lest you think he's exclusively a dog person, he's also posted several pictures of himself with cats. And he's even posted a photo of himself hanging out with a monkey. Oh, and he also had a ferret. What's up, Dr. Dolittle?


Does Jed Wyatt really have feelings for Bachelorette Hannah Brown?

On the heels of Jed Wyatt's shocking admission that his original motivations for going on The Bachelorette were to advance his music career, people were understandably a bit shocked. After all, when the endgame is literally marriage, you would think the contestants would take she show as seriously as possible. But Wyatt also confessed that he was falling for Hannah Brown and that he'd never felt quite like this before, causing Brown to swoon. It really was a sincere and vulnerable move... to some people.


Even though Wyatt did see the show as a huge platform initially, he said that some part of him was ready for marriage — with the right person, of course. "You kind of have to come into this ready for that step," he revealed in an interview with Extra TV. Okay, so maybe he really is telling the truth.

As for Brown, Wyatt didn't hesitate when he was asked if she was the one. "She is definitely the kind of person I could see myself with forever," he told Extra TV. So while some may question his motivations, he very well could be genuinely into her.

Jed Wyatt's hometown visit with his family was... awkward

Arguably one of the most cringe-worthy moments on the 15th season of The Bachelorette was Hannah Brown's hometown visit with the Wyatt family. From the looks of it, mom, dad, and sis were lukewarm at best about Jed Wyatt's increasingly serious romance with Brown. Honestly, their faces kind of said it all.


But there were also some direct statements from family members expressing their concern. For one, when Wyatt broached the topic of getting engaged, mother Gina had a terse response. "It doesn't all feel very realistic to me, but you're the one living it," she shared. "I'm surprised to be honest. ... I think this is crazy." Um, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement. Additionally, Jed's sister, Lily, had an equally tepid reaction for Brown. "Him potentially falling in love with you... I'm not sure that it's a good thing," she confessed. Ouch.

Of course, the Wyatt family is just protective of the Bachelorette contestant. "He lived his life before Bachelorette, he's had his heart broken, he's been in love," Gina explained. Overall, it was one uncomfortable moment of television.


Jed Wyatt's sister set the record straight about The Bachelorette

Obviously, the hometown episodes of The Bachelorette air long after those conversations have taken place. So, when the amazingly awkward hometown episode with the Wyatt family aired, Jed Wyatt's sister, Lily, took to Instagram to set the record straight. "They made me look so mean," she shared in a story (via E! News), adding a laughing-until-crying emoji. "I swear y'all our conversation went wayyyy better than this." Honestly, that's a relief because that short slice of television was painful. Thanks for the insight, Lily!


Hannah Brown also shared a clarifying post on Instagram, expressing nothing but gratitude to the families who hosted her. "To the Webers, Camerons, Parkers, and Wyatts...thank you for opening your home, and supporting your son and me in opening our hearts to each other," she wrote in the caption. "I'm sure it's really bizarre watching, but the moments in your home were real, taken seriously, and so very special to me." Brown is a class act.

Did The Bachelorette's Jed Wyatt ghost his ex-girlfriend?

Easily the biggest controversy of Season 15 of The Bachelorette broke when the revelation surfaced that Jed Wyatt had been dating a woman named Haley Stevens back home — and that they allegedly didn't break up before he filmed the show.


Speaking to Us Weekly, Stevens claimed they agreed to resume their relationship when he got home. "Even though that's not an ideal situation for our current relationship, when you're not in it, it seems like a movie," she revealed. "It seems like it's just a TV show. You don't necessarily think about the fact that hearts are going to get involved, there are going to be feelings involved."

But once the details of Wyatt and Hannah Brown's steamy romance began to go public, Stevens became increasingly upset. The fact that Wyatt reportedly didn't call her for two weeks after he got home from filming didn't help, so she said she ignored his call, as she felt their alleged relationship was over. "In hindsight, I'm embarrassed that I let myself be on the back burner that way," she stated. She added that she has nothing but respect for Brown and wishes her the best.


The fallout over Jed Wyatt's reported Nashville girlfriend has been intense

Unsurprisingly, the Internet got really angry when it learned that Jed Wyatt reportedly had a girlfriend back home and that he'd been less than forthcoming about it. Arguably, it's especially egregious in that he came clean about the truth of his original intentions but neglected to tell Bachelorette Hannah Brown about his alleged girlfriend Haley Stevens.


But the fallout has far exceeded people dog-piling on Wyatt's social media pages. "It goes beyond what is said online," he wrote in a post on his Instagram page. "Threatening letters and phone calls have been sent to our homes. My parents and sister are being verbally attacked in public. I beg you to remember what seems like a harmless action is damaging to real people." Um, yikes! That's really, really terrifying. 

Wyatt assured followers that there would soon be answers, and he asked for people to be patient until then. "I ask that you please understand how much the actions being taken towards myself, my family, the men on the show, and above all, Hannah, are affecting all of our mental and physical health," he added.


Jed Wyatt and his alleged ex-girlfriend were in an ad together

If there's one person who seems to know everything about The Bachelorette before the rest of us do, it's good old Reality Steve. And true to form, Steve was able to dig up an interesting artifact of Wyatt and Stevens' relationship — whether it was indeed romantic or not. "Aaaand let's not forget the ad they did together for the 'willcalled' app that I took a video from," he shared in a post on his Twitter page. How he finds everything that he does is an eternal mystery.


In the clip, Wyatt and Stevens are shown walking arm in arm, while text promotes a Nashville-based dating service. To add insult to injury, Wyatt appears to even be wearing the very same jacket that he wore when he serenaded Brown under her window and sang that he'd never tell a lie. Oof.

Of course, just appearing in an advertisement together isn't evidence of anything, but it's certainly not a good look after all of the drama that's gone down.

The Bachelor's Colton Underwood threw shade at Jed Wyatt

Season 23 Bachelor Colton Underwood has been watching the 15th season of The Bachelorette. And as you would expect, he has some pretty strong opinions about what's gone down and what Jed Wyatt's fate should be. "He shouldn't come back from this. He should just sort of go away," he shared in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. "Being in the position Hannah's been in before, you sort of have these blinders on, and you're sort of dialed in and focused on the relationship, and you don't take in sort of the cues that sometimes you should in regular relationships, or the red flags." Wow, homeboy is not happy with Wyatt's actions.


But it's understandable because if anyone understands Hannah Brown's circumstances, it's Underwood, and he's definitely concerned for her happiness. "I feel for her, because she's so deserving of somebody who is going to make her happy day in and day out, and not have to worry about lying," he said. No lies detected.

Spoiler alert! Reality Steve said this Bachelorette star will win

There are plenty of fans of The Bachelorette who don't want to know anything about the show beforehand so that everything that happens on the show is a total surprise. So, before you go any further, spoiler alert! We're about to dig into who we think will win Hannah Brown's heart and hand in marriage.


In a post on his website published on May 20, 2019, Reality Steve revealed his prediction for the Season 15 winner of The Bachelorette: After a finale that reportedly came down to Jed Wyatt and Tyler Cameron, Brown is said to have selected Cameron to be her forever guy, and the two of them reportedly got engaged. What a good day for Team Tyler!

But less than a month later in a post published on June 18, 2019, Steve backpedaled on his earlier prediction and issued a new one: Brown allegedly gave her heart to Wyatt, and Wyatt put a ring on her finger.

Did The Bachelorette's Hannah Brown and Jed Wyatt call off the engagement?

So the big question remains: What will The Bachelorette's Hannah Brown do now that she's discovered Jed Wyatt allegedly had a girlfriend back home? According to Reality Steve, she hasn't exactly taken a stand-by-your-man approach, but she hasn't run screaming for the hills, either. "I can confirm that Hannah broke off her engagement to Jed earlier this week," he wrote in a post on his Twitter page in June 2019. "They are still 'together,' but the engagement is off. This isn't a 'don't ever talk to me again' from what I'm being told, but it's also not all rainbows and daffodils either." Uh-oh, that doesn't sound very promising.


Steve went on to add his own commentary on these revelations. "To end an engagement means Hannah has been bothered enough by what's come out," he continued. "I don't see how Jed gets back in her good graces after this. Nor should he." 

Will Wyatt be able to redeem himself? We'll be waiting with bated breath to find out.

