Are Adam And Danielle Busby Planning To Have Any More Kids?

Adam and Danielle Busby may have a full house, but it's a house brimming with cuteness. Between their oldest daughter (Blayke Louise) and the quints (Riley Paige, Ava Lane, Olivia Marie, Hazel Grace, and Parker Kate) they've certainly got their hands full. 


Even with six energetic daughters, though, the OutDaughtered stars are clearly great parents, and many fans have wondered if Danielle and Adam plan on having more kids. With so many girls in the house, will they want to even things out and add a boy to the family? Are Danielle and Adam planning on having more kids in the future?

Danielle and Adam Busby have struggled with infertility

The Busbys struggled to have their six children, and have been very open about their troubles with infertility. "Infertility struggles was one of the hardest phases of my life," Danielle told Country Living in 2018. 


After the couple got married, they tried for several months to get pregnant. They eventually discovered that Danielle does not ovulate regularly, and that Adam's testosterone, sperm count, and motility are low. This led them to turn to intrauterine insemination (IUI) to conceive their first daughter, Blayke. 

When the Busbys decided they wanted to add to their family again, Danielle began taking an infertility drug called Femara, and the quints were conceived. "During this whole time of going through infertility, obviously it is costly, time-consuming, and stressful," Danielle wrote about her infertility journey in the family blog, It's a Buzz World. "It [was] definitely [a] challenging time for Adam and I's relationship."


There were complications during Danielle's pregnancy with the quints

In November 2019, Danielle revealed in a YouTube video that while pregnant with the quints she had developed PCOS [polycystic ovary syndrome] which caused cysts to form and rupture on her ovaries. "I know this isn't something we haven't ever really shared or talked about, but life physically after having quintuplets has been super painful, challenging, hard," she said.


The painful condition persisted for years. "I'm so proud of my body for being able to carry the girls for 28 weeks and have five healthy babies who are now 4 [years old] ... but the past three years have been really, really filled with a lot of physical pain within, you know, the woman aspect of, like, my uterus and stuff, and so I've had quite a bit of issues since having them," she said.

After all other treatment options failed, Danielle underwent a hysterectomy. Danielle said the procedure left her in the worst pain of her life, but would hopefully end her PCOS systems. "Really the goal [is] to get rid of all the pain," she said. "Having a hysterectomy should be the fix of all my pain. So it's a big deal. It's gonna be kind of hard to recover from all of this, but, you know, I'm to the point where I'm just ready to be done with it." 


Unfortunately, the procedure also means that Danielle will not be able to give birth to more children. 

Adam and Danielle Busby were not planning on having more children

While Danielle Busby won't be able to get pregnant again, she and Adam didn't have plans to have any more children anyway. A few months after the quints were born in 2015, Adam told KPLC that he and Danielle were not planning on having another baby. "Our family is complete," he said. "All girls, not trying for a boy. We'll have a seventh girl... that's just how it is, so it's over. The shop is closed!" 


Given the difficulty that Danielle had getting pregnant, as well as her later struggles with PCOS, it's not surprising that she did not want to put her body through another pregnancy. Four years after the quints were born, Danielle told Us Weekly that the Busbys still hadn't changed their minds about another pregnancy. "Shop's closed," she said, echoing Adam's previous statement.

Adam and Danielle Busby may still adopt

While Danielle Busby shut the door on a future pregnancy even before her hysterectomy, she said that she and Adam might still add to their family in another way. "It would be nice to have a little boy and carry on the Busby name here, but there won't be any more children unless one day God put it on our hearts to adopt," she said.


Adam added that he and Danielle will "never completely shut the door" on adoption and that it's "something we'll always stay open minded to," but that's the only circumstance under which they had ever considered adding to their already large family after the quints were born. 

