Here's How 90 Day Fiance's Jorge Nava Lost 125 Pounds

When a new mugshot of 90 Day Fiance's Jorge Nava began making the rounds, fans of the hit TLC show may not have recognized the former star. Nava has undergone quite the transformation, losing over 100 pounds since fans last saw him. The last time a mugshot made this much of a splash, its subject went on to become a model.


Understandably so, whenever a public figure's appearance drastically changes, fans are left wondering just how it happened. What latest diet fad should we be trying next? Will switching to barre classes take my fitness to the next level? In Nava's case, there was no craze involved to get him to where he is now.

Nava, who's in the middle of serving a 30-month sentence for possession of drugs with the intent to sell, spoke to E! News about his recent transformation, saying, "Hopefully people can see that I am able to turn things around even though I am at the lowest point in my life." He further explained to the outlet that his transformation can be credited to two workouts a day with a fellow inmate and a pretty drastic change in his diet. 


Jorge Nava is making the best out of a bad situation

Prior to his sentence, Nava said he "had a really bad diet" and, due to the general lack of junk food available, has started eating much healthier. Now, the inmate's diet is rich in protein, as he eats a lot of peanut butter and oatmeal. 


As for the physical element, the reality TV star and a fellow inmate work out once in the morning and again in the afternoon, focusing on "military-based" drills and "a lot of jogging." 

Nava's renewed focus on his health is just one example of how the star is trying to turn his life around after what he admits was a mistake. Today, Nava says he feels "healthy and energetic" and feels more confident overall.

While explaining his newfound health and confidence, Nava also shed light on another aspect of his life that fans have been speculating on for quite some time: his relationship status with his wife, Anfisa. 

According to Nava, he and his wife are doing "really well" and after his sentence, he hopes to "start life over with a different point of view." At what could easily be the lowest point in his life, Nava's positivity and dedication to growing and learning from his experience is truly wonderful to see.


