What's Really Happening When Your Birth Control Is Making You Sick

According to the CDC, approximately 12 percent of women between the ages of 15 and 49 use the pill as a form of birth control. Since it is 99 percent effective, it is a common choice of those looking to prevent pregnancy. But similar to many types of drug, it also has a lengthly list of side effects (via Healthline). Weight gain, breast tenderness, headaches, mood changes, irregular periods, and decreased libido are all symptoms that can be experienced when taking the pill. Another very common side effect when beginning to take the pill is nausea. 


If you're sick to your stomach, you could be feeling the effects of the birth control pill and the hormones packed inside of it. But we have good news: It doesn't usually last forever. 

Hormones in birth control cause nausea

Combination birth control pills, which include estrogen and progestin, are a common pill choice (via Planned Parenthood). According to Medical News Today, estrogen can cause irritation to the stomach lining and since some pills have higher dosages, more irritation and nausea can result. Sensitivities to synthetic estrogen and synthetic progestin can also make your side effects worse and because there are so many different brands of the pill, each one with a varying dose of hormones, it can take some trial and error to find one that works for you. Side effects from the pill should be temporary, however, and within two to three months, your symptoms should dissipate.


Physician Fahimeh Sasan, DO, explained to Healthline that skipping a pill and having to take two pills at once can also lead to an aggravated stomach.

Relief from nausea can be found with natural home remedies that include consuming light foods, drinking cold liquids, drinking ginger tea, and eating smaller meals.

If you aren't comfortable with synthetic hormones giving you unwanted side effects for months, there are several other birth control options for you to choose from: an IUD, the patch, implant, or other birth control pills. Simply do your research, reach out to a doctor, and switch up your birth control for a smoother experience.

