This Is What Happens To Your Body During The Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse

The Isagenix diet is one of the hottest and most popular weight loss solutions around right now. It's not necessarily an easy answer to your weight loss woes, though — it's tough, expensive, and can lead to some negative side effects. The most popular iteration takes just one month to complete, with days split between cleanses and shakes, during which mostly only specific Isagenix products are allowed. That's not the only plan the company offers, though.


During the 30-day Isagenix system, which is called the Weight Loss Basic Pack, the program encompasses calorie deficits, intermittent fasting, and portion control for maximum weight loss with minimum effort (at least, not in the gym anyway). This plan is easily the most popular, but for those looking for something a bit less intense, there are shorter stints you can purchase, one of which is the 9-day plan. Is the 9-day Isagenix plan worth a try?

The 9-day cleanse is actually an 11-day cleanse

A report in Health details how one woman (and her fiancé) took on the 9-day cleanse which, reportedly, was the cheapest available, in order to prepare for their big day. However, in spite of its name, the cleanse actually lasts 11 days, not nine. The first two are shake days, which involve drinking a shake for breakfast, eating a small, low-glycemic lunch, and having a shake again for dinner with Isagenix snacks in between when necessary. You will also be drinking plenty of water as well as taking capsules meant to keep energy levels up while speeding up your metabolism.


The following two days are cleanses, during which you eat basically nothing aside from lots of water, the Cleanse for Life serum a few times a day, and more Isagenix snacks. The following four days are shake days followed by a final two cleanse days. The aim of the cleanse is to rid the body of toxins while also losing an average of seven pounds (the writer lost six total). 

This detox is more of a reset button than a long term solution

The author describes chalky milkshakes, mildly tasty snacks, and bizarre protein cravings at first, followed by truly intense hunger pangs once the cleanse gets going proper. However, by the second day, she's already down three pounds (her fiancé lost even more). As the cleanse rolls on, the shakes start to taste better along with everything else as her taste buds are reawakened. Digestion improves, but with it come intense cravings for caffeine and sugar. By the end, she feels great but it's hard going at times, too.


The writer sees the cleanse as more of a reset than anything else, acknowledging it taught her to reassess her attitude to food going forward. However, it's worth noting that, as per a Healthline review, Isagenix isn't a particularly healthy method of losing weight, due to the high sugar content of its products — nor is it sustainable in the long run. Utilizing the 9-day cleanse could put you on the right track to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle, but it's not a magical cure-all either. 

