Chrissy Teigen Makes A Heartbreaking Confession About Her Kids

Chrissy Teigen would be someone it would be easy to hate — if only she wasn't so darn loveable. She's impossibly beautiful, is fabulously successful at everything she does, is blissfully married to People's Sexiest Man Alive John Legend, lives in a gorgeous home, and seems to have a life whose every second is Instagram-worthy. Somehow, though, she remains not just humble but endearingly goofy, and so darn nice that no matter how you envy her, you can't help but like her.


And yet, even the fabulous Ms. T has her moments of doubt — especially when it comes to something that's at the very core of every woman who's ever given birth. It doesn't matter how amazing you are and how the world worships you, once you have children, suddenly their opinion counts more than anything else on earth... and Chrissy bravely shared that when it came to her own little darlings, things weren't nearly as perfect as she'd been promised by all the hordes of mommies-know-best.

Chrissy's babies weren't bonding as promised

If you listen to all the mommy bloggers, you might think that having a baby is an instant one-way ticket to unconditional love and affection and a built-in biggest fan. Of course all children simply adore their mommies from the instant they're born... don't they? Poor Chrissy felt like a failure when things didn't quite work out this way with her daughter Luna. As Chrissy revealed to SheKnows in a heartbreaking confession, "I felt so sad that she wasn't connecting with me, because I'm her mother and I spend so much time with her. I'm nursing her, I'm doing everything I can for her."


When it came to her son Miles, she had every reason to expect that things would be better. After all, hadn't her girlfriends promised that all little boys just love on their mommies nonstop? Well, that didn't happen for Chrissy either. As she said, though, this was when she started to realize that, when it comes to kids, "... there is no rhyme or reason." and you should really hold back on offering advice, no matter how well-intentioned, that may not fit someone else's circumstances.

Chrissy seems prepared for what lies ahead

Once again, Chrissy is wise beyond her mom years. This will serve her well in about 10 years when the "terrible teens" hit — a time when even the most delusional of mommy braggers are hard put to claim the smallest of victories. 


But, when it comes to parenting according to Chrissy, "... you grow and you learn to empathize with people, and you learn to joke." Yeah, we think she's going to make it ok, and she probably will be the World's Best Mom even during those times when her own kids will think she's anything but.

