What Courtney And Eric Waldrop Were Doing Before Sweet Home Sextuplets

If you've never heard of Courtney and Eric Waldrop, it may just be that you know them better as the parents of the Sweet Home Sextuplets. When trying for a fourth child in 2017, Courtney found herself pregnant with sextuplets. Yes, you read that right. Courtney found herself pregnant with six babies instead of just one. After all the babies arrived in December 2017, they landed their very own reality TV show on TLC to document all the craziness that comes with having that many babies at once. At the time, Eric told Today, "If you would have asked me the way I felt when I found out we were having six babies, I guess I just thought it was going to be an impossible situation." He continued, "I'm not saying it's not hard, but you just kind of adapt and make it work. It's the new normal, how crazy it is, and I just jump right in after I come home from work and before you know it, it's midnight." 


That's now, but what were Courtney and Eric Waldrop doing before sharing their lives with us on Sweet Home Sextuplets?

Courtney and Eric Waldrop both had normal jobs prior to Sweet Home Sextuplets

According to Bustle, before having to quit due to her difficult pregnancy, Courtney Waldrop was a first grade teacher at Albertville City Schools, while Eric co-owned a landscaping business, which he still currently runs as another source of income for the family. They were both such a big part of their local community that when the news came that Courtney was having sextuplets, the whole town showed their support. After the birth of their six babies, Courtney even took to Facebook and thanked them for all their help. "Eric and I will never be able to individually thank everyone that has been there for us," she wrote. "We will never be able to give back to you what you all have done for us and continue to do everyday. I will spend the rest of my life telling the world what an amazing community we have and how I truly feel that these babies are as perfect as they are because you took the time to pray for them."


