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When You Put Honey On Your Face, This Is What Happens

Are you a fan of DIY kitchen cosmetics? All manner of face masks, scrubs, and hair treatments can be made out of ingredients such as eggs, avocados, bananas, papayas, mayonnaiseyogurt, and even such throwaway items as lemon peels, coffee grounds, and, surprisingly, pickle juice. (Yes, really!) Medical aesthetician Candace Marino, a.k.a. The LA Facialist, is among those who prefer store-bought skin care, and her website recommends a number of professionally-produced natural beauty products. While Marino says, "You're probably never going to hear me tell someone to go into the kitchen and whip themselves up a mask," there is one pantry staple she makes an exception for: honey. She says honey can be used as a cleanser and is "an affordable and super-effective way to keep your skin gorgeous, glowing and breakout-free."


You can't use just any old honey, however. Marino warns, "Be sure your honey is RAW or UNFILTERED [because] the honey you find in supermarkets in the bear bottle is over-processed and lacking all of honey's natural healing powers." She goes on to add, "If you can get a locally-sourced honey from a farmer's market, even better!"

Why honey is so good for your skin

As Marino informs us, "Raw honey is a powerful antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory product that will not only kill acne-causing bacteria, but also naturally moisturize and soften the skin." She explains that the sugars found in honey act as a natural humectant, meaning that they bind moisture to the skin. She says that honey, being slightly acidic, can also help to regulate the skin's pH and will "create...a healthy environment on the skin that promotes tissue healing and regeneration." Honey even works as "an instant pain reliever for burns and will draw the heat out of a fresh burn and also reduce the risk of scarring." It can also help to "heal cuts and abrasions and...chronic skin conditions like eczema."


What's more, honey is also bursting with all kinds of amino acids, enzymes, proteins, and probiotic compounds that make it what Marino calls "a nutrient-dense super-food for the skin." She notes that honey is high in antioxidants, so it is "a powerful free-radical fighter [that can] reduce and prevent both wrinkles and blemishes."

How to use honey as a cleanser

Marino suggests you first remove any makeup you may be wearing and give your skin a thorough pre-cleansing with your product(s) of choice, before applying the honey. Once it's time to apply the honey, you'll only need a teeny bit. Marino says just a quarter teaspoon should do it, which you should warm in your hands, and then spread in a thin, even coating over your skin. Leave it on for at least 30 seconds, but longer is better. Marino recommends, "If you have time, leave it on for 5-10 minutes as a mask." Then just rinse the honey off with warm water, pat your face dry, and continue with your normal moisturizing routine.


If you want to get the benefits of using honey on your skin but you're a bit squeamish about the sticky stuff, Marino does have one commercial preparation she can recommend: "My favorite product that contains honey is Warming Honey Cleanser from iS Clinical. This is a treatment-based cleanser packed with honey, papaya enzyme, and royal jelly which make it a perfect cleanser to digest dead cells while promoting hydration." This product is available from Amazon at a cost of $45 for 4 ounces, as opposed to $9.35 for a 32-ounce jar of Amazon-branded raw, unfiltered honey. While your wallet would obviously prefer the second option, your skin is bound to be happy with either one.

