How Chrissy Teigen Really Feels About Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris may be the next vice president of the United States, and people are getting excited. A lot of celebrities have expressed their support for Harris since Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden named her as his running mate. One of the celebs who is endorsing Harris is Chrissy Teigen, who is ecstatic to see Harris as Biden's running mate.


The model told Marie Claire that she has been a fan of Harris since Harris was running for president herself, although she didn't speak publicly about it — something Teigen now regrets. "There were multiple people that I liked, and I knew speaking out would be an endorsement of them," she said. "Then they started dropping out one by one."

She added, "I love Kamala Harris, and my biggest regret is not speaking out about her. I was thrown off and got scared. I wanted to wait and wait until I 100 percent backed somebody, and then sooner or later that just became the one candidate."

Chrissy Teigen 'could not be more thrilled about Biden's VP pick,' Kamala Harris

Teigen isn't afraid to speak out now, though, and is proudly endorsing Harris. "I could not be more thrilled about Biden's VP pick!" she said. 

Teigen, like so many others, has been inspired by Harris and what she represents. "Women all over the world are seeing a piece of them in a woman of power, and that kind of influence is paramount in what we need to continue this future of badass women in politics," she said. "Between people like Kamala and AOC, I have more hope than ever."


Teigen also expressed her excitement in a far less reserved way on Twitter. "F*** yes," she wrote after Harris was announced as Biden's running mate. "Excited to vote!! Still amazed Election Day isn't a national holiday. It needs to be celebrated, with a post vote bar crawl."

