This Is What Made Tim McGraw Want To Get In Shape

These days, Tim McGraw looks so buff, he's basically the country music version of a Marvel superhero. On The Gram you can see him looking brawny while enjoying outdoor activities like horseback riding with his wife, Faith Hill. When McGraw does post a picture on social media of junk food, he captions it with a straight-out-of-a-self-help-book title. "It's all about moderation and earning it," McGraw wrote next to a picture of him taking a bite out of a Whataburger


I don't really get tired of training," McGraw told Men's Health, "There's such a feeling of accomplishment that comes from the feeling of being my age and still being at the top of my game." He wasn't, of course, always at the top of his game. The country legend started his forty-pound weight loss in 2008 after his daughter watched him on the trailer for Four Christmases, the endearing, if cheesy, Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn holiday season rom-com. McGraw described the moment vividly, later. "Her eyes got really wide and she looked at me and said, 'Geez, Dad, you really need to do something.' The next day I was at the gym" (via Nashville Lifestyles). 

How Tim McGraw changed his lifestyle

Tim McGraw's daughter may have inspired his transition from 3 a.m. beers and cheeseburgers to fitness fanatic, but he began by taking baby steps. In McGraw's words, his journey with fitness "began with a pair of tennis shoes, a daily walk, and—as I like to joke—a good old attitude of high hopes and low expectations." Today, fitness is like a religion for McGraw, who works out up to twice a day during tours. "Focusing on my physical health hasn't just made my body healthier, it's made me healthier at every level. Moving daily and exercising regularly was a pebble that set off a ripple effect ... it made me a better person to be around," McGraw explains in an Instagram post.


If you want to experience a Tim McGraw-approved workout, your best bet is to sign up for a TRUFIT class at McGraw's Nashville gym, TruMav Fitness. According to Nashville Lifestyles, during the 45-minute class, you'll go through a regimen similar to McGraw's tour workouts. During it, you'll pass twice through six stations centered on "functional strength-building movements." TruMav describes the class as "high intensity" and "bootcamp style," designed to "increase your metabolic rate post-workout, helping you to burn more calories." 

If you can't get to Nashville, invest in McGraw's favorite fitness gear. According to Men's Health that would be kettlebells, TRX straps, and battle ropes.

