Were Cassie Randolph And Colton Underwood Ever Compatible? Human Design Expert Explains

The breakup of Cassie Randolph and Colton Underwood has been messy, culminating in Cassie getting a restraining order against Colton due to domestic violence last week (via USA Today). Bachelor fans have been shocked as they've watched this romance unravel. But what if the two never should have gotten together in the first place?


Paige Michelle is a relationships expert specializing in the field of human design, which categorizes people according to their energy and subconscious beliefs. In an interview with The List, she proposed that Cassie and Colton might have been doomed from the start because they have incompatible human design types. "In toxic, unhealthy relationships, there are usually two types of people — a runner and a chaser," Michelle explained. "Cassie is the classic runner, who gets her security by running from or avoiding feelings, intimacy, and emotions. Colton is the classic chaser, who gets his security by being an anxious attacher, or trying to be closer."

It's this mismatch of energies that ultimately led to the failure of their relationship, Michelle added. "As two people who, on their own, don't have to deal with a lot of energy/wattage in their body, when they come together it's an overload. It becomes too much," she said. "For it to work, there would need to be a lot of space, high emotional intelligence on both ends — but mostly Colton — and an intense amount of communication."


Cassie Randolph and Colton Underwood brought very different energies to their relationship

Delving deeper into the human design types of Cassie and Colton as individuals, Michelle explained why this Bachelor relationship was bound to fail. Cassie's human design type is called "Emotional Projector," which means she is a "classic avoidant with a 6/2 profile with a completely open G-center." If you're not an expert in human design yourself — and you can learn more and get your own free chart on Michelle's website — what that means is that Cassie "is always subconsciously going places and doing things to feel and experience love even if it's not healthy for her — for example, going on a national television show with a cult-y fanbase." Michelle added that Cassie "is natural, has a lot of charisma, and is playful, until things get uncomfortable and then she is out, thanks to her Line 2 profile in human design."


Colton, on the other hand, is a "Splenic Projector with a 5/1 profile," according to Michelle. "The mind blowing part here is that he is completely open emotionally, which in human design is a classic anxious attachment style." Unfortunately, Colton and Cassie's human design types have been at odds with each other. "When you pair Colton's feelings...with taking on all of Cassie's feelings and you mix it with the way we expect men to repress their feelings, you have someone with little to no emotional security," she explained. 

The lack of compatibility between Cassie and Colton was obvious on The Bachelor

As much as we might be floored to see Cassie and Colton's relationship dissolve, perhaps we all should have seen it coming, according to Michelle. "In hindsight, nothing has changed from The Bachelor. Cassie is running to avoid emotions and take care of herself alone, because that is where she feels safe and secure, while Colton is anxiously chasing and jumping proverbial fences — boundaries — to feel secure," she explained.


With that in mind, Michelle thinks it's for the best that these two keep their distance. "For now, the restraining order seems to be what is best for them," she added. "If Colton can calm his mind, stop identifying with what his mind is telling him, and start to trust the very intuitive guidance in his body, I see him coming out of this a better man." Cassie has some growing up to do as well, Michelle added. "If Cassie can understand that the more she avoids something, the deeper her attachment gets, and if she can find playfulness in the uncomfortable, she would feel more fulfilled in her relationships and life than ever before," she said.

