Aura Reader Makes Bold Claims About Blake Shelton And Miranda Lambert's Compatibility

To many country music fans, the split-up of Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton was a huge disappointment; after all, their storybook wedding in 2011, in which the couple emerged from the alter to the tune of Roy Rogers' "Happy Trails" seemed like a guaranteed happily ever after (per Green Wedding Shoes). But according to aura reader, psychic medium, and spirit guide Megan Michaela Firester, who goes by "Mystic Michaela," any expert could tell these two weren't meant to be together forever, just by looking at their auras.


"Miranda Lambert has a yellow and blue aura, and the blue is very large. This means she is very empathic and very compassionate," Firester explained. Meanwhile, she noted, "Blake is purple and green. As a green, he is someone who can see the broader scope of things, and he can manipulate how things are seen by others. Greens think systematically." The purple part of his aura, meanwhile, explains why people are so drawn to Shelton, Firester said. Ultimately, she added, these two aura types just don't lend themselves to lifetime partnerships.

Miranda Lambert's aura reveals she strives to create a "picture-perfect" life

According to Firester, Lambert's compassionate side, which is part of having a blue aura, makes her vulnerable — while the yellow part of her aura makes her "ashamed of how vulnerable she can be sometimes." Firester added, "She can 'button up' and make everything look okay," because of the yellow aura. "And I get that in their relationship with Blake this is how it worked. She would breeze over what was going on and make everything look okay on the outside, even though on the inside it really was not."


The problem with hiding your feelings, Firester noted, is "not everyone will get the real story. In Miranda's music all of that comes out, and we see that vulnerable side to her. However, in the press, and in the pictures during their marriage, we just saw the way she felt we wanted to ... picture perfect." Indeed, Lambert may be just as stunned as the rest of us that her marriage didn't work out, Firester added. "Because blue people can feel others' feelings the same as their own, they will often hide what is actually going on because they don't want to feel others' reactions to it," she explained. "I feel like in the marriage Miranda did this a lot."

Blake Shelton's "manipulative" personality made Miranda Lambert leave, aura reader claims

As someone with a purple and green aura, Shelton charmed many people, according to Firester. "People are naturally attracted to his vibration," she explained. "But at times it can be manipulative and I get that Miranda did not know how to combat or regulate that." At first, the two were happy together, but that was "when Miranda had less of a voice," added Firester. "When she felt she had to cover things up, to make things look good from the outside in order to be accepted and loved by those around her," she and Shelton maintained their harmony. "But as time went on, she was asked to overlook way too much, and she broke away from that."


And that's when things likely began to fall apart, she added. "I feel the moment she started seeing him in a different way than what he wanted projected, he ran," Firester said. "And I feel like she was angry and didn't know how to deal with that. They were compatible for a time, but it required Miranda to stay small ... and she wasn't going to do that. She had to grow, and to grow she had to grow out of Blake."

