Justin Duggar's Latest Video Has Fan Rumors Swirling

Justin Duggar may only be 17, but that doesn't mean marriage rumors can't circulate for a member of the Duggar family! He recently posted an Instagram video in which he and his girlfriend, Claire Spivey, address the camera directly. With a short and sweet caption, "Thanks for your support and enthusiasm!!", the post features a quick message from the couple as they thank fans for their excitement over their recent courtship announcement. According to InTouch Weekly, the pair shared that they were officially courting in September of this year.


In the video, Duggar starts with, "We wanted to thank you, followers, for your support in our relationship," and glances at Spivey. "And we're excited about what God's done in this last year," he finishes. His girlfriend joins in and says, "We look forward to sharing more of our story with you." The video ends with the pair grinning and saying thank you as they stand side-to-side.

Fans immediately starting speculating that the pair was engaged

Once the post went live, fans started guessing when the engagement would be announced. Since courtship rules don't allow touching beyond side hugs, one user speculated that they were already engaged because they were holding hands. Other fans said that they suspect a Christmas engagement. Duggar's relatives quickly shared their congratulations as well. Sister Joy-Anna said "Y'all are adorable!" while Anna Duggar commented, "You are both precious!" Other fans noted how much Justin's significant other resembles older sister, Jana


Spivey, 19, explained that the pair's families "have known each other for over 20 years, so before he or I were even born," in a video that announced their courtship last month (via Today). According to InTouch, Justin and Claire met at a family conference and bonded over similar experiences. Once Duggar got the "okay" from her father, the two were off the courtship races.

Time will tell how long it takes for them to tie the knot!

