Sarah McBride: The Truth About The First Transgender State Senator

A state senate race in Delaware wouldn't normally make headlines anywhere outside of the region — but this race has a winner that's one for the books. Democrat Sarah McBride won her race for the First Senate District, and she ran as the first trans State Senator in U.S. history. McBride ran on a platform looking to secure LGBTQ equality, and on a campaign that focused on health care, universal paid family and medical leave, and criminal justice reform (via Vox).


After she made history, McBride released a statement saying, "I'm so thankful to the hundreds of volunteers who made calls, sent texts, and talked to voters to bring our neighbors together. I'm humbled by the support of neighbors and ready to work every day to make a difference in the lives of all the residents of the First Senate District."

"I hope tonight shows an LGBTQ kid that our democracy is big enough for them, too," she said (via CBS).

Her win is important because as Vox points out, lawmakers across the country have been legislating against transgender and nonbinary people. These measures include denying health care for young people who are trans, and banning female trans athletes from competing in womens' sports.


Sarah McBride made her debut at the 2016 Democratic National Convention

Sarah McBride started making political waves at the 2016 Democratic National Convention when she became the first openly trans person to speak at a national party convention. In her powerful speech, she asked: "Will we be a nation where there's only one way to love, one way to look, one way to live? Or will we be a nation where everyone has the freedom to live openly and equally; a nation that's stronger together?"


McBride's interest in politics goes back some way. She served as student body president at American University, and has worked in the campaigns of former Delaware Attorney General Matt Denn and former Governor Jack Markell. She also has ties to the Biden family — she also worked on the campaign of the late former state Attorney General Beau Biden.

People says there have been other openly trans people in public service, and these include Virginia state Representative Danica Roem, Reps. Gerri Cannon and Lisa Bunker in New Hampshire, and Rep. Brianna Titone in Colorado.

Mara Keisling, who heads the National Center for Transgender Equality, says the impact generated by McBride's victory cannot be understated. "If I had grown up in the 1960s with role models like Sarah, I don't know how my life would've been different. They see this funny, smart, great speaking Sarah McBride who's a senator? It can literally save lives. It can literally be the inspiration a kid needs to keep going," Keisling says.


