Here's How Much Sleep News Anchors Really Got On Election Night

In our collective state of restlessness and stress-refreshing the news, it can be hard to imagine that there are individuals out there who are even more tired than we are, but they definitely exist. We're talking about the news anchors who have been fiercely following the election results and updating electoral maps since votes first started being counted on November 3rd. MSNBC's Steve Kornacki, for instance, was almost constantly working on his electoral map all of election night, even during other segments, waiting until noon the next day to take his first break (via Vulture). However, even that break wasn't to sleep, with a spokesperson stating that he hadn't slept "since he was on Morning Joe yesterday" (via The Washington Post).


MSNBC fans and even Kornacki's colleagues have been using the #TrackingKornacki to follow and update incredulous viewers on not only the election but on Kornacki's remarkable stamina in the face of sleeplessness. Finally, in response to viewer and peer concerns, a spokesperson confirmed that Kornacki was finally going to be taking a real break: "We have removed him forcibly from the building ... He's in a room with pillows, blankets, and warm milk." The official MSNBC twitter account even posted a video message of Kornacki on his break, as counter-intuitive as that may seem (via Twitter).

How other anchors are managing without sleep

Of course, Kornacki isn't alone in covering the election results around the clock, and other network's map guys and anchors have also been coping with very little sleep as a result. CNN's John King only got 2 hours and 15 minutes of shut-eye early yesterday morning, according to The Washington Post, and returned to the studio shortly after with the intent to work an additional 13 hours if necessary. 


As for Fox News' Bill Hemmer, he got 45 minutes of sleep on election night, the same amount as NBC's Chuck Todd. However NBCs Andrea Mitchel only slept for about half an hour on election night, thanks to a cot set up in 30 Rock. Even CBS' Gayle King, who worked from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. on election night, only got six hours of sleep after that marathon shift — and it wasn't even in the comfort of her own home. No, instead King fell asleep fully-clothed (including her Spanx) on a couch in the greenroom of MTV's TRL studio (via Variety). So, if you catch yourself staring at the clock, wearily waiting for the opportunity to sneak in a power-nap, just remember that there are network anchors out there who are likely still, truly exhausted.


