Fox News Makes Stunning Announcement On The Presidential Election

After nearly four days of anxious anticipation, it has been announced that Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Kamala Harris will be stepping into the White House come January. This news of the president-elect and vice president-elect has been reported by several news outlets including AP, BBC, and Fox News. Yes, even Fox News has claimed that Biden has defeated Trump, despite earlier reports mentioning that the company's anchors were advised against claiming Biden's victory if it happened, according to CNN. The article says that two memos stated staffers should avoid terminology like "president-elect" and instead use references like "enough electoral votes to win the presidency."


But despite these alleged instructions given, Fox News eventually gave in, announcing that Biden won the presidency around 9 a.m. on Saturday Nov. 7. Although the outlet is providing readers with important information, it looks like backlash is on the way from fans, who were already unimpressed for other reasons earlier in the week with Fox's reporting.

Fox News' Arizona call upset the Trump campaign and its supporters

Late at night on Nov. 4, Fox News predicted Biden's win in Arizona before it was officially called. This set off a chain reaction of angry fans who blasted the station, saying it was calling the shots way too early. The Trump campaign was unsurprisingly part of the unhappy crowd, and Tim Murtaugh, the Trump Campaign's director of communications, tweeted, "Got over 59% of this first small AZ vote dump, above the 57% pace he needs to surpass Biden & win Arizona. Fox & AP made a hasty call in AZ, a state the President will still win. 5 of 7 election decision orgs haven't called AZ. Fox & AP should rescind theirs."


Although Biden's win appears to be affirmative, there's no doubt that fans will have something to say about it, and comments are already beginning to file in, sharing thoughts about the call. Commenter LRHdee wrote, "Not a chance he legally won! Recounts must be done in all questionable states — too much suspicion of voter fraud! No way 200K votes magically appeared in the middle of the night in MI and/or WI that were 100% for Biden! An impossibility!" 

This echoed the sentiment of many other commentators, but some were a bit more understanding. Another user penned, "I voted for Trump. I hope we can come together too. It is over. No matter who the president is you have to respect the office. I just hope he stays in the middle and doesn't drag us into a war or do any radical stuff." Since Fox News called this awhile after many other sources, it might get away unscathed as more details and reactions pour in in the coming days. 


