What Does It Mean When Your Hand Shakes?

Shaky hands can be a sign of many things and — although it may be alarming at first — your condition may be nothing to worry about. But if you have shaky hands, it can make daily tasks more difficult, leading to frustration and sometimes embarrassment.


Medical News Today notes that most people notice that their hands shake from time to time, especially if you simply place them outstretched in front of you. This syndrome, called a hand tremor, can range in severity and frequency. These involuntary shakes are the result of a common movement disorder that can take place in the hands, legs, feet, torso, or vocal chords, according to the outlet. While some may be intermittent, various shakes can come in different forms. Apparently, there are over 20 types of this issue, but the main ones fall under two groups.

Resting tremors take place when your muscles are relaxed, like when you're at rest. Conversely, action tremors — which are the most common kind, according to the outlet — occur when the muscles are contracted during movement. Many times, the cause isn't clear, but tremors can be a sign of a neurological disorder or movement issue in some cases, Healthline reports.


Shaky hands can come from a multitude of factors

If your hand shaking seems to get worse when your body is in motion, essential tremor is likely the culprit. Whereas, with Parkinson's disease, the tremor gets worse when the muscles are at rest, according to Healthline. However, shaky hands can also stem from other common issues, including anxiety, an overactive thyroid, seizure, withdrawal symptoms, and low blood sugar. Furthermore, some drugs may underpin this issue, as well. Amphetamines, corticosteroids, some asthma medications, and too much caffeine can bring these shakes about, Medical News Today notes.


Since many of the causes of shaky hands stem from lifestyle choices, steering clear of inflammatory agents like caffeine and various medications may help offset the issue, according to the latter outlet. You can also seek out physical therapy to get to the bottom of what's going on and come up with functional solutions for your tremor. Healthline suggests other solutions like various medications — including those that help reduce anxiety symptoms — and also notes that surgeries exist in case none of the other options work, provided the tremor doesn't stem from another condition.

If you're experiencing a constantly shaky hand, it may be time to take a look at your lifestyle and see if there are any areas that may be contributing to the issue. If not, you may consider heading over to your doctor to discuss more options.


