The Surprising Reason Dolly Parton Is Taking A Break In 2021

Dolly Parton has been in the limelight for decades, but the singer is still at the top of her game. The country icon is feeling as young as ever and told 60 Minutes Australia earlier this year that she has no plans to retire. That doesn't mean she can't take a break, though.


Parton recently told T: The New York Times Style Magazine that she plans to take some much-needed time off next year. "I'm sick of Dolly, ain't you?" she told the outlet. "With all the stuff coming out, it's like, if I hear one more product, one more story, one more thing about Dolly Parton... I think, 'Well, maybe I better hang it up for a while next year.'"

Don't start to think that Parton is losing steam, though. Her manager, Danny Nozell, revealed that Parton's hiatus is more of a strategic move than anything else and that Parton is planning to pull back next year in order "to avoid oversaturating the market."

Dolly Parton plans to make music for the rest of her life

While Parton is pulling back publicly next year, likely, she'll still be hard at work behind the scenes. As she told the outlet, she has every intention of making music for the rest of her life. "It starts with a song, and I hope it'll end with a song," she said.


Even if Parton is ever unable to perform, she plans to continue to write music. She even said she could "do my a cappella album: From the Bedside With Dolly! Dolly's Deathbed Songs!... That paints a picture, don't it?"

Parton has a lot of living to do and she's determined to make the most of it. "I don't think about my life in terms of numbers," she recently said on The Oprah Conversation (via People). "First of all, I ain't never gonna be old because I ain't got time to be old. I can't stop long enough to grow old."

