Constance Wu Reveals Surprising Family News

It's close to impossible to keep a secret in the age of digital and social media, particularly when a celebrity has exciting news to share like a new movie, a new TV show, a new book deal, or perhaps a new baby on the way. So it's come as a great to surprise to just about all of us to find out that actress Constance Wu welcomed a baby daughter with boyfriend Ryan Kattner, and that, in fact, the happy couple became parents during the summer. Wu had never revealed she was pregnant, and as E! points out, she has kept a low profile since March, and has been off social media since May. Kattner has been more active than Wu has, but he hasn't said anything about his daughter on social media either (via USA Today).


Still, that didn't stop an unnamed source from confirming the story and telling E! that "They are doing great, and they're so excited and happy."

Constance Wu has gotten flak for dating non-Asians

Given the amount of backlash Constance Wu has faced over her dating choices, it may not be too surprising that she chose to stay silent about the pregnancy. Wu, and fellow Asian American stars Mindy Kaling, Jamie Chung, Celeste Ng, as well as Olympian Chloe Kim have all been harassed in the past for dating non-Asian men (via StyleCaster). In 2018, Wu addressed the harassment, telling StyleCaster that "Hate and criticism in any form do not feel good. But I do think having the freedom to express things that are painful to certain people and start conversations about deeper issues [is a good thing]." 


She continued: "I'm very confident in the choices I make and why I make them, so if and when they are targeted at me, if this is a means for someone else to figure out and discover the things that matter to them or the things they feel about themselves, then I'm all for it. Because I'm OK."

Wu is best known for her roles on the TV show Fresh Off the Boat and movies Hustlers and Crazy Rich Asians, while Kattner is the front man for a rock band. He's also known by his stage name, Honus Honus. 

