What You Don't Know About Wes Bentley's Relationship To Heath Ledger

In 2015, Wes Bentley, of American Beauty fame, opened up about his relationship with the late Australian actor Heath Ledger, revealing that he and the 10 Things I Hate About You star had a very special bond. Speaking to Larry King, he revealed, "He was like a brother to me. We were close friends. We worked on Four Feathers together in 2000 and since then we had become very, very close." He continued, "We had good times and bad times ... [his death is] the biggest loss of my life." (Via YouTube.)


But it's not the first time Bentley has spoken out about his close friendship with Ledger. "Heath was an essential piece of my life," Bentley wrote in a statement released around the time of Ledger's sudden passing in 2008 (via People). "At one point we were as close as two people could get without being blood. That closeness came from sharing a similar, life-altering experience in life at a young age where very few could relate and those who could often were pre-occupied with competition. It would have been isolating, not to mention boring, without him."

Wes Bentley and the late Heath Ledger were like family

We can only assume that Wes Bentley and Heath Ledger shared such a close friendship because they could relate to each other on multiple levels, including their love of poetry. "Whenever we got together, especially early on, we were all about pushing ourselves to be better. Not just as actors, but with our lives, too — the way we approached relationships, reading and writing poetry," Bentley told Details (via Us Weekly). 


Sharing one specific memory, Bentley recalled, "He wrote his poetry on the computer. I wrote mine by hand. One time — this was in London, early in the morning, and we'd been up all night — I was reading from his computer, and I turned to him and said, 'This is beautiful, man, but I hate reading on computers." Bentley then revealed that Ledger "walked right up, grabbed the laptop, snapped it over his knee, and threw it off the balcony. Then he looked down and went, 'Oh [expletive]. Shouldn't have done that.'" 

We can only imagine how much Bentley must still miss him today. 

