Mary Trump Has Something New To Say About Donald Trump

In recent years, Donald Trump's niece, Mary L. Trump, has been very open about her feelings towards her uncle, releasing a tell-all book about the former President in the summer of last year. "I have no problem calling Donald a narcissist — he meets all nine criteria," she wrote in Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man, adding "But the label gets us only so far" (via Vanity Fair). And didn't end her criticism there. 


This week, Mary L. Trump weighed in on whether or not the Senate should convict Donald Trump during his impending impeachment trial for incitement of insurrection. Retweeting a statement made by lawyer Ted Boutrous, which read "Convict Trump", Mary said, "This shouldn't even be in question, but we need to keep saying it until it happens" (via Twitter). Evidently, she fully supports the idea that her uncle should be convicted and ultimately barred from running for public office again.

Mary L. Trump has been opinionated about Donald Trump's impeachment

Her opinion is hardly surprising given she was so vocal about calling for the former president's impeachment in the first place. Tweeting on the day violence erupted in the Capitol, Mary wrote, "This is down to Donald and every one of his racist, traitorous enablers from McConnell on down." She continued, "None of them should be allowed to hold power again. They ALL need to be held accountable, through removal from office or imprisonment. We cannot f*** around and let any of this stand." 


In fact, in a recent interview with The Telegraph, she admitted she has even considered changing her name so she doesn't have to spend the rest of her life being linked to her uncle. "I am prepared to change my name if need be," she said. And regardless of what happens during Donald Trump's looming Senate trial, we're sure Mary will have more to say.

