Donald Trump Jr. Has Some Thoughts About Joe Biden's Town Hall

In case you missed it, February 16 was a red-letter day for the Biden administration, because it was also the first time President Joe Biden met with voters face-to-face in a town hall meeting supported by CNN and held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and in what was also his first major presidential trip. Social media gave Biden solid marks for his performance,  because the president was prepared and because he presented his views with compassion and a bit of humor (via The Washington Post). By the end of the evening, the hashtag "That's President Biden" — for positive comments or for criticism — was trending on Twitter.


The positive reviews surrounding the president didn't sit too well with Donald Trump Jr., whose father Biden referred to as "the former guy" (via Twitter) and who received a few pointed jabs that were sent his way. Don Jr. took to Twitter to share a portion of the CNN Town Hall with the comment: "Where are the fact checkers in this one? Oh, that's right, they only fact check one side."

Donald Trump Jr.'s tweet was a magnet for both sides

If Donald Trump Jr. was looking to provoke a debate, that's exactly what he got, because his tweet drew comments from both sides of the political spectrum. A few social media users took the opportunity to send their best to the former president by responding to Don Jr.'s comment. But there were others that saw his comment as an invitation to remind him about how controversial his father was. "Your dad lied about how many people where vaccinated, just like he lied on day one saying it didn't rain, and the last day when he said he won the election," tweeted one user.  Another posted: "Shall we list your dads lies, misstatements, gaffs and moments of blithering incoherence? Have cakes and candles brought in, you'll be a good deal older when the list is completed." 


Other social media users declined to take potshots at 45, and instead focused on 46, saying: "A man on display with compassion, integrity, empathy, credibility, qualities we all strive to achieve. So good to see."

