Here's What We Know About Gwyneth Paltrow's COVID-19 Battle

In a recent article on Goop, Gwyneth Paltrow admitted that she had been previously diagnosed with COVID-19. Though Paltrow, founder of the wellness and lifestyle brand Goop, did not specify at which point during the pandemic that she suffered from the illness, she did briefly detail some of the disease's lasting effects (via Goop). "I had COVID-19 early on, and it left me with some long-tail fatigue and brain fog," Paltrow said in the Goop post. "In January, I had some tests done that showed really high levels of inflammation in my body."


While there is still more to be discovered about the more long-term health effects associated with COVID-19, experts have at least been able to point to a few symptoms that might be experienced long after a COVID-19 diagnosis. Among these include Paltrow's fatigue and brain fog, along with shortness of breath, joint pain, depression, and headaches. Even those who only suffer from a mild version of COVID-19 can experience these long-lasting symptoms (via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Paltrow is on a cleanse to cope with her long-term COVID-19 symptoms

After providing a bit of background, Gwyneth Paltrow lived up to her wellness guru status by detailing in the Goop post several ways in which she was able to combat the residual effects of the illness. Since being tested in January, Paltrow has been doing a keto and plant-based fasting regimen crafted and outlined by functional medicine practitioner Dr. Will Cole in his book, Intuitive Fasting.


"After he [Dr. Will Cole] saw all my labs, he explained that this was a case where the road to healing was going to be longer than usual," Paltrow said in her post. "So we've been doing a version of a protocol he outlines in his forthcoming book, Intuitive Fasting. It's keto and plant-based but flexible (I've been having fish and a few other meats), and I fast until 11 a.m."

Along with abstaining from alcohol and sugar, Paltrow included several items in her post that she credits with helping her recover from her COVID-19 symptoms. These items include skincare products, fitness products, and supplements like fish oil, B vitamins, Vitamin D3, selenium, and zinc (per Goop).

Despite having to pull through a COVID-19 diagnosis, Paltrow is still making everyone jealous of her effortlessly glowy skin (how does she do it?).


