Here Are The Best Things You Can Do For Heartburn While Pregnant

Ah, the joys of being pregnant. Sure, you're carrying life and hopefully being showered with extra attention, but let's be honest – physically, being pregnant is no picnic. From the early stages of morning sickness and the endless "fat days" you encounter before actually growing a noticeable baby bump to the false contractions, it makes for a pretty uncomfortable nine months. Especially if you experience a symptom that at least half of all pregnant women endure, which is heartburn (via WebMD).

Many expectant mothers experience heartburn because pregnancy hormones cause the valve that is located at the entrance of their stomachs to relax and not close as it would normally do. This allows for the acidity in the stomach to creep up into the esophagus to result in noticeable acid reflux symptoms (via Kids Health). If you've got a baby on board and are feeling the burn, it's ok. There are a few ways to find relief.

Are you actually experiencing heartburn?

We know it can be hard to tell if the pain you are experiencing is heartburn. A bun in the oven tends to induce a lot of irritations you previously didn't know existed. Pregnancy-related heartburn can bring on symptoms such as a burning feeling in the chest, burning in the throat, belching, chronic coughing, and wheezing (via WebMD).

To ease the pain of acid reflux, try avoiding foods like citrus, spicy, or greasy food. For drinks, caffeine and carbonated liquids are not your friends. All of these items may bring on or increase ongoing heartburn (via Kids Health). It is also recommended to eat your food slowly, and snack on smaller meals throughout the day. Avoid tight-fitting clothing and try to not eat right before bed. If it's too late and you're already feeling the hungry, consider sucking on a ginger candy or taking an antacid (via Health).

Simply put, heartburn is zero fun and is one of many less than glamorous parts of pregnancy for many. But hopefully, the symptoms will subside after a few months or after the delivery. Until then, kick off your shoes, elevate those swollen feet and catch up on as much sleep as possible.