The Real Reason You're Snoring So Loudly

Snoring is something that has impacted most people at one time or another. While it can be funny to joke about the noise someone makes while they're deep in slumber, some of the reasons why a person may be snoring so loudly could be alarming. According to the Mayo Clinic, snoring occurs when a person slips from light sleep into a deep sleep. It usually begins when the muscles at the roof of the mouth relax. This causes the throat to relax as well and partially block the airway, which leads to vibration and the classic snoring noise.The


The Sleep Foundation reports that light or infrequent snoring is completely normal. It doesn't usually require treatment or medical testing. However, it may keep your sleeping partner up at night. Primary snoring is considered snoring that happens more than three nights a week. While it may seem more alarming, it's not thought to be a health concern unless it's accompanied by sleep disruptions. However, if your snoring is caused by obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, then you'll likely need medical treatment (via Mayo Clinic). OSA can cause daytime drowsiness, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, stroke, and more.

Why are you snoring and how can you stop?

A number of things can cause a person to snore. You may snore simply because of the anatomy of your mouth. If you drink too much alcohol before bed, that may also cause the condition. Your sleep position could also have something to do with the sound, so try switching things up. If you're sleep-deprived, your throat may relax more than usual during sleep and cause loud snoring. Other nasal problems such as allergies or a deviated septum are also known to contribute to the problem (via Mayo Clinic).


Thankfully, there are several options to help you alleviate your snoring problem. TheĀ Sleep Foundation suggests dropping a few extra pounds. Being overweight is a leading cause of snoring, so getting in shape may take care of the problem and make you feel healthier and happier along the way. You can also try to elevate your head while resting to stop the sound. Mouthpieces that hold the lower jaw forward or keep the tongue in place may also be beneficial to help you with your snoring and in getting a better night's sleep.

When to see a doctor

Although snoring isn't something that many people are concerned about, it shouldn't be taken lightly. Symptoms of a more serious health issue could include very loud snoring, high blood pressure, morning headaches, daytime fatigue, waking with a dry mouth or sore throat, gasping or choking during sleep, and pauses in breath during sleep. If you are experiencing any of those issues, you should consult your doctor, per ENT Health.


A medical device may be given to you to wear while you sleep if sleep apnea is the problem. However, there are surgical options as well. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is a process where doctors remove or reposition soft tissue in the throat to stop snoring. A Hypoglossal nerve stimulator is a pacemaker placed inside the tongue that will stiffen and push it forward during sleep to quiet the noise and improve your health. If you're unsure if your snoring is being caused by a bigger issue, you may want to consult your doctor.

