What You Need To Know Before Buying A New Home, According To Feng Shui Experts

There are certain aspects of feng shui that seem difficult to surmount, like if the layout of your home doesn't jive with the classic aspects of good energy work. So, if you're home shopping and energy conscious, it's a good idea to have a few things in mind when searching for a new place to live. Plus, The Spruce explains, it will give you the confirmation that you're choosing a house that fits your energy and what you want to create.


To start off, obviously, take a good look at the surroundings of the home. Are the streets dirty? Are neighbors interacting pleasantly with one another? How is the scenery? All of these aspects impact the feeling you'll experience when you're in your home. Plus, the outlet explains, it's important to take a look at the plot of land and its layout. A backyard that's at least slightly larger than the front yard is considered good feng shui; any expanded windows are also a good asset to have at the front of the home as well.

Of course, the entrance is pivotal in creating a harmonious space. A cardinal rule in the practice is making sure that the front and back doors of the home are not in direct alignment. The outlet notes that this creates an energy flow that's much too fast, meaning that you may lose some of the good energy present while spurring an overly quick pace in your life.


The entryway of the home is extremely important

If you walk into your prospective home and you notice that the front hallway seems disjointed, it's a good idea to be skeptical of its fit for you. Since the entrance is where you welcome energy and nourish whatever you're looking to create more of, having a cluttered or cramped space makes it difficult for good energy to stick around. My Domaine notes that a staircase directly across from the front door is less than ideal because it can create a flow towards the upstairs — making it shoot away from the entry space. Think of it how you would want a guest to receive your space, the outlet suggests. You likely wouldn't want them running up the stairs the second they walk in.


Furthermore, it's important to note the symbolism in and around the space. Are there tons of telephone wires and neon street signs close to the windows? What type of scenery surrounds the house? Is it soft or a little overwhelming? You'll want to notice the aspects that you can't change — without some serious renovation — once you move in. If you slow down and take note of the flow of the energy and the space around the home itself, you'll likely get a feel for whether or not it's a good fit for you and your family.

