Don't Try The Baby Food Diet. Here's Why

The baby food diet is a prime example of what Everyday Health calls a "fad diet." Fad diets usually gain popularity for the hype that surrounds them. A unique trait that makes them seemingly infallible in their results or unique in their approach. And just as quickly as they take the world by storm, the shine wears off. More often than not, the results of fad diets, which are usually unsustainable, aren't worth the other downsides, especially to your health. 


According to Very Well Fit, the baby food diet centers around the idea of eating baby food throughout most of the day, and having one normal "adult" meal in the evening. The principle of the diet is really calorie restriction, because by eating small jars of pureed veggies and such, you are eating far less than you normally would while still gaining some essential nutrients. 

The diet was first popularized in 2010 when it was rumored Jennifer Aniston had used it to drop a quick seven pounds for a role. The thing is, while you really can lose some weight eating this way, the risks outweigh the benefits.

Why the baby food diet isn't a good idea

While having just baby food for breakfast, lunch, and any snacks might still provide some essential vitamins and minerals and some calories, operating at this type of a calorie and nutrition deficit isn't sustainable. Baby food jars are portioned for babies, not to fulfill the dietary and nutritional needs of full grown people. As such, as Very Well Fit explains, the baby food diet is not a sustainable healthy eating plan. Registered dietitian, Chrissy Carroll told the outlet, "By swapping meals for baby food, people are promised quick weight loss. It's tough to meet nutrient needs while eating mostly purees, though." She continues, "Experts agree it's best to leave those for the babies and focus on smaller portions of normal meals for sustainable weight loss."


Not only is it unhealthy to restrict your calories this way, but in the long run, even if you do lose weight, when you return to normal eating the weight will likely come back quickly. Additionally, the outlet notes that severe calorie restricting diets, especially ones that require you to transition from solid to liquid or pureed foods should never be started without doctor supervision because of severe side effects, including dizziness and even fainting. 

