Donald Trump's New Website Is Sending This Subliminal Message

Former President Donald Trump has returned to the World Wide Web with a powerfully-worded website that gives us more insight into his future plans than ever before. That's according to Dr. Reneé Carr, psychologist and political corporate advisor, who sat down with The List to explain the subliminal messaging rife throughout


Platforms like The Guardian have focused on what Trump's website's bio leaves unsaid. But Carr told The List that we should pay close attention to its symbols, both visual and verbal. Trump's website's name, in and of itself, is telling. Per Carr, the reference to "45" is a clear indication that Trump "still views himself as the President." Carr further posited that Trump's using the number to "ensure no one forgets not only his history of being the most powerful man in the world ... [and to] convey to others that he still holds a significant amount of power." The White House-heavy imagery that peppers speaks to the same intention.

Also significant is that Trump's website does not refer to him as '"Former President" as per "proper etiquette," per Carr. "The website language is worded in past tense language to allow Trump ... to still use the title, 'President Trump' as if it were in current terms," Carr observed. Accident? Unlikely. Rather, Carr told The List that it is an intentional "subliminal framing used to psychologically influence Trump's followers to still regard him as the current President and to maintain awareness of his authority."


Is Trump reaching out to foreign politicians via his new website?

Want more proof that Trump's website doesn't point to retirement? It's filled with familiar political rhetoric. For example, Trump continues to "refer to the origins of COVID-19 as a "plague" that "arrived from China," said Dr. Reneé Carr. That's a phrase that gained so much popularity among Trump's right-wing media support base that, per NBC, it dramatically increased anti-Asian bias in the country.


The use of such rhetoric is, perhaps, unsurprising given that Trump has hinted at running for office again (via Politico). And Carr spotted traces of a new campaign on his website. Notice how uses "America First"? Per Carr, Trump could be using his website to create "actions, content, and print that will serve as the future campaign slogan."

Were Trump indeed plotting a political comeback, his website gives a significant idea as to who he wants as an ally. Let's talk about the snapshot of Kim Jong-Un, the only picture Trump posted to his site alongside foreign leadership. "This is likely because Trump needs and wants the support of Kim Jong-Un and is showing in a visual way his commitment to keeping any promises that he (Trump) made to him while serving as President," Carr theorized. According to Carr, that would make Trump and Kim Jong-Un "Instagram Official" — or the political equivalent to it. It's a tactic similar to "when people are dating but want to assure the world and each other that they are committed to each other."


