Good News For Pregnant Women Who Get The COVID-19 Vaccine

With pregnant women and COVID-19, it's been a "learn as you go" kind of situation. We were told early on by the CDC that pregnant women are at risk for having complications from the virus. A new study confirms that getting infected with COVID-19 raises the risks for bad outcomes for both an expectant mother and her baby (via CNN).


But there is also good news for pregnant women as it relates to the virus. Not only is the CDC telling the expectant set not to avoid getting vaccinated, but according to The New York Times, new information points to the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines not presenting any significant safety risks if you are pregnant.

This is a positive finding for anyone who is having a baby, and has felt unsure about whether to get vaccinated. In combination with speaking to your doctor, the new data should provide some clarity on the matter, especially given that getting COVID-19 while pregnant can be risky and potentially dangerous.

What researchers looked at with pregnant women and the COVID-19 vaccine

The New York Times reports that 35,000 pregnant women self-reported their symptoms post-vaccination for 11 weeks. As Dr. Stephanie Gaw told the outlet, "A lot of pregnant people are getting the vaccine, there isn't a significant increase in adverse pregnancy effects at this point, and that side effect profiles are very similar to nonpregnant people."


As CBS News notes, the pregnant vaccine recipients reported typical side effects like site injection soreness.

Meanwhile, Gaw added about this finding, "I think that's all very reassuring and I think it will really help providers and public health officials more strongly recommend getting the vaccine in pregnancy." 

It's worth noting the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists does not recommend that pregnant women skip getting their COVID-19 vaccine. But experts also say more research is needed — and for a longer time period — than what is currently available.

To be clear, this research did not pertain to the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

