When You Take Bee Pollen Every Day, This Is What Happens

It's common knowledge that honey, a sticky, sweet, soothing food which can be used for cooking or for easing cold symptoms, comes from the bountiful work of bees. But did you know that bee pollen is also a super food that might offer multiple health and wellness benefits? 


As bees travel from flower to flower, they collect pollen on their legs, which they bring back to store in their hive's honeycomb. The bee pollen is a blend of pollen, bee saliva, and honey, which is safely collected by beekeepers who use a thick comb near the hive entrance that shakes some of the pollen off the bees legs and into a container, (via Healthline). 

The benefits of bee pollen are so great, that according to Healthline, the German Federal Board of Health acknowledges it as medicine. For years naturopathic doctors and herbalists have recommended bee pollen for those who suffer with seasonal allergies or asthma, or to enhance athletic performance or ease the symptoms of chemotherapy, (via WebMD). Other conditions which may benefit from bee pollen include relieving inflammation, easing menopause symptoms, and boosting the immune system.


Bee pollen may reduce your allergy symptoms

According to Well + Good, due to it's anti-inflammatory properties, bee pollen may reduce your allergy symptoms. Board certified allergist, Heather Moday, MD, tells Well + Good that taking bee pollen may have similar effects as getting allergy shots, which help reduce seasonal symptoms that arise from a pollen allergy. Moday states, "The idea is that when you ingest pollen on a daily basis, it'll desensitize your immune system over time."


Some research indicates that bee pollen can help stimulate the immune system to produce the antibodies that reduce an allergic reaction. Dr. Vincent Caruso Jr., D.C., tells Verily that bee pollen is easily absorbed by the body, so it can start working it's magic almost immediately. Dr. Caruso also mentions that the super food can been used for cold and flu prevention, and may be an effective treatment for sinus infections and asthma. 

Furthermore, in a three-year-long study, Leo Conway, M.D., gave bee pollen daily to his patients suffering with allergies, and concluded an astounding 94% of the participants became allergy symptom free (per Mercola). According to Verily, Conway's study on bee pollen also showed participants found relief from asthma, allergies, sinus problems, and migraines.


Other benefits of taking bee pollen

According to Healthline, research shows bee pollen may strengthen the immune system by providing antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Such properties might help kill bacteria and fight viruses. According to Health, even the fab Kourtney Kardashian recognizes the benefits of bee pollen, and adds it to her smoothies for more of a wellness boost. Lisa Moskovitz, registered dietitian and CEO of N.Y. Nutrition Group tells Health, "It's something people take for its antifungal, antimicrobial, and immuno-stimulating properties, so that's likely why it's trending right now."  


Another perk of adding bee pollen into your daily routine – it has been found to be high in antioxidants, specifically flavenols, resveratrol, lycopene, and vitamins A, C, and E (per Healthline). Diets high in antioxidants have been shown to reduce damage to cells which can minimize the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and other chronic medical conditions (via WebMD). 

While your overall health may benefit from the magical work of the bees, it's important to talk with your doctor regarding any new supplements you're interested in taking. Bee pollen may induce an allergic reaction in people who are allergic to bee and wasp stings, and should be taken with caution.

