The Real Reason You Need Lemons In Your Cleaning Routine

Cleaning products flew off the shelves in 2020 as the start of the coronavirus pandemic had people cleaning surfaces in ways they never have before. In fact, sales on items like disinfectants and kitchen/bathroom wipes grew at astronomical rates, according to Statista. However, natural cleaning products still have their place in a home — especially as we all become more environmentally conscious. One simple item that can get your home sparkling clean is a food item — lemons.


You'll often find lemon-scented cleaning products in the store, but it's not just the scent that makes lemons such an effective cleaner. Lemons also contain acid that offers an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, according to The Spruce. However, the same site cautions that lemons cannot always replace bleach, especially when removing unsafe bacteria from a cooking area.

Still, that doesn't make lemons a cleaning item to stay away from. There are numerous uses for lemons when cleaning a home. First, they leave a clean and refreshing scent. Also, the oil in lemon rinds offer a bright shine when used as a cleaning product, but you don't always have to use lemons in their pure form. You can also buy little containers of concentrated lemon juice (via The Spruce).


Lemons can make a home feel squeaky clean

There are numerous ways to add lemons to your household cleaning routine. You can add a little vinegar to the lemon juice, as vinegar is another excellent natural cleaning item, according to Real Simple. Unfortunately, vinegar has a pungent and unpleasant smell, but lemons can help camouflage it, reports The Spruce.


Your copper pots and pans can benefit from just half a lemon. In fact, the lemon even acts as your scrubber. All you have to do is cut a lemon in half, dip it in a bit of salt, and scrub the dirt and grime off your copper pots. Lemons are a natural degreaser, so they also help clean your stovetop.

And those stained countertops? Lemons help there as well. Simply mix lemon juice with baking soda and let it sit on the counter for a few minutes before wiping it away. A little lemon juice in the laundry also removes stains, while pouring some of it down the drain can help freshen your garbage disposal. According to The Spuce, a little lemon can go a long way.

