This Is The Advice Tiffany Moon Gave New Real Housewife Crystal Kung Minkoff

Following a tense Real Housewives of Dallas reunion, Tiffany Moon had a few words of wisdom to share with Real Housewives of Beverly Hills newbie, Crystal Kung Minkoff. The two reached out to one another on Instagram to talk about being a few of the first Asian Americans on the series and quickly hit it off.


The anesthesiologist opened up to E! Online about her new friendship, saying, "I don't remember who messaged who first but it was through Instagram. Regardless, it was like, 'Hey, you're on Housewives and it's my first season two. Just reaching out to let you know that I'm here to support you.' And we talked about being Chinese Americans growing up in America. She has a sister-in-law I believe that's an anesthesiologist and so she was like I totally get your doctor life and being on call."

The two also have children close in age and they quickly decided to meet up in Los Angeles with their husbands. "She's my new Bravo bestie," Moon said. Since joining the show can be daunting for anyone, Moon was quick to share an important piece of advice for getting along with her castmates.


Tiffany Moon told Crystal Kung Minkoff to go straight to the source rather than social media

Since Housewives seasons air months after they're filmed, many of the stars get caught up with old issues after they've patched things up in real life. Apparently, Dr. Moon had done just that. "I told her, my greatest mistake that I made is that when the show started airing and I heard some of the things that the other ladies said about things that occurred like six to eight months ago when we were filming, that my feelings got hurt and then I went on social media to sort of like air my hurt feelings and that did not go so well for any of those relationships," she said to E! Online.


She added, "And so I kind of told her like if and when you hear cast members say things to you, about you, about events that happened a while back, reach out to them first and try to talk about it instead of going on social media and being like, 'Well that's not what you said while we were filming!' Because that's what I did and I think that was not good for some of my friendships."

Currently, Moon is considering stepping back from the reality series due to scheduling constraints. Between her job as an anesthesiologist and two young children, RHOD may be a little too much, People reports. To come back, she said, "Something would have to change. I cannot do the show if everything is exactly the same as it was this year. I am still working four days a week. My children are now a little bit more demanding than they were when they were younger. Something's gonna have to give."


