Here's How To Protect Your Hair From Chlorine

One of the best parts of warm weather days is that we can hit up the pool, cooling off with a good swim with friends and family. And, while we're all excited to splash around in the water, there are some things we forget to consider when we go swimming, like just how damaging chlorine can be on our hair. 

We've all experienced that rough, dry, straw-like feeling of our hair when we've finished with a swimming session, but why is it that our hair is totally fried after going to the pool? According to experts at Hair Professionals Career College, chlorine causes hair damage as it actually sucks out all the natural oils from our hair that make it silky, shiny, and smooth. Not just that, but if you're someone with dyed, highlighted, or colored hair, chlorine can strip the color slightly, leaving it even more damaged than before (via Leaf). 

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent that regrettable chlorine damage to your locks moving forward.

There's a lot you can do to protect your hair from chlorine

One tip to prevent chlorine damage is to wet your hair before swimming. Some people think that it's obvious to wash the chlorine out of their hair after they go swimming, but rinsing your hair before you go into a chlorinated pool can also prevent damage (via Hair Professionals Career College). When your hair is wet, it's harder for the salts and chemicals to make it through the non-chlorinated water. You should remember to always shampoo-wash your hair after swimming, too, to prevent the chlorine from spending too much time in your hair (via Speedo). 

Protective products can also help protect your hair from chlorine. We're quick to lather up with sunscreen when we're out in the sun, but not many people think to put on UVA protection for their hair and their scalp. According to Allure, while these products protect hair from drying out in the sun, they also help keep hair hydrated against chlorine. Plus, the products help keep your scalp from burning and flaking, too!   

Hair oils and deep conditioners are another way to prevent chlorine damage to your hair. Keeping your hair hydrated is key when swimming. Luckily, there are tons of hair oils, like argon and Moroccan oils, that can help keep your hair silky and soft. Truthfully, you only need a small amount of oil to create a "film" between the chlorine-filled water and your hair (via Spotless). The film helps to fight against chlorine and chemicals by sealing the hair shafts. You can also deep condition the night before you know you'll be swimming so your hair is already in its best shape possible before your pool day!