The Truth About Johnny Depp And Keira Knightley's Relationship

Like any millennial movie buff, you likely found yourself more than a little obsessed with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise. The drama, the intrigue, the costumes – the films were the perfect storm of on-screen chemistry and action. Throughout the years of filming, the cast got understandably close. And on-set relationships often last well past the end of filming. But what about the stars behind Elizabeth Swann and Captain Jack Sparrow? The characters had more than their fair share of tense moments. However, off-screen, did Johnny Depp and Keira Knightly have a romantic relationship?


The two famously shared a kiss in the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," and both actors have shared their feelings about the moment. For those who don't remember (which we sure you do), Elizabeth had an unlikely soft spot for Jack that culminated in the two kissing when they were on a mission to save Will Turner. The scene caused strife between Elizabeth and Will, but fans swooned when the two locked lips. After the movie premiered, Depp shared that it was a bit "awkward" to kiss someone more than 20 years his junior. 

"Kissing someone you are not romantically involved with is always awkward, but the fact that Keira is 20-something years younger than me made it infinitely more awkward," Depp revealed in a Vanity Fair interview. "Still, she was a good sport about it and we did what we had to do."


Johnny and Keira dodged romance rumors

For her part, Keira Knightly was more than happy to lock lips with the cheeky Captain Jack Sparrow. "I couldn't ask for a better kissing scene with Johnny Depp actually, I think my 14-year-old self was yelping with pleasure," she told TMZ. "It was fantastic! What more can a girl ask for? I've got Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom and I get to kiss both of them. It's wonderful!"


In the wake of the films' successes, many speculated that Johnny Depp and Knightly were romantically involved. They never dated publicly or commented on any off-screen relationship, but that didn't stop fans from seriously shipping the two of them. Throughout Depp's highly-publicized split from Amber Heard, he turned over all correspondences with other celebs he has dated and Knightly is reportedly among the list of names. Does this mean the two dated in the past? It is unclear. But it certainly doesn't do much to quell the rumors.

Regardless of whether or not the brief love affair moved off-screen, it seems that Knightly and Depp both enjoyed working together. And if you're still not over the passion that was "the kiss," you can always go back and re-watch the films


