This Is How Katie Ledecky Prepares For Her Races

The most decorated female swimmer of all time, Katie Ledecky, knows a thing or two about preparation. Recently returning to the US with two gold medals and two silver medals after the Tokyo games, the 24-year-old spoke with Prevention to detail her pre-race routine. Like many successful people, she focused on what she could control — no matter the pressure. "I just try to focus on what I can control and focus on one race at a time. I had a very busy week in Tokyo — a lot of racing. I raced 6,200 meters," she explained.


"There was a lot of other swimming in between — the warm-up and warm-down," she continued. "I tried to just take care of myself as best I could with good recovery, good sleep, doing all the little things right to prepare myself for the next race. Just to try to stay focused on that and use all that energy from my teammates and from my family and my friends back home."

The most interesting of the rituals involved a razor. Since swimmers are known to shave down before races to reduce drag, the routine has become something of an excuse to hang out. "We have a bit of a shaving party the night before. That's a big thing as a swimmer — we shave down before big races."

Mixing fun with practical, Katie Ledecky is an old pro when it comes to intense pressure.


Katie Ledecky has seven total gold medals

Obviously, being an Olympian requires a special amount of dedication and perseverance. According to NBC News, Ledecky boasts seven gold medals in her three Olympic games; she also finished her last race in Tokyo on a high note by bringing home her latest first-place prize. With one more gold medal, she'll tie Jenny Thompson — an American — for the most medals of any female swimmer. In fact, Ledecky won the gold in the first-ever female 1,500-meter freestyle this year.


To fuel herself properly, she needs a lot of support and a thought-out plan. Like many swimmers, her favorite breakfast is oatmeal with berries that starts her off with a fibrous meal, she told Prevention. After the race, chocolate milk serves as her go-to drink to help her body and muscles recover. Lunch time usually includes two eggs with carbs and vegetables, then she'll finish her day with protein and some type of carb like rice or noodles. Even when she's not training, she stays committed to her meal plan.

Since she's training for the long haul, both her diet and pre-race routine are still incredibly important. "That was not my last swim. I'm at least going to '24. Maybe '28, we'll see, she told NBC after her final race in Japan. Between her rigorous training regimen and strict diet, Ledecky likely has a few more Olympic games to compete in.


