Royal Expert Offers A Glimpse Into Kate And William's Parenting Style

Prince William and Kate Middleton have often been praised for their parenting style. The couple's three children — Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis — are well-behaved in public, which may be because of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's strict, yet loving, parenting techniques. "Kate is a sensitive and warm mum. This is a called an authoritative style of parenting that is now encouraged," Dr. Rebecca Chicot said (via The Sun). "When my son has a temper-tantrum, I try to put into words how I think he might be feeling in a slow and calm and gentle way," Kate previously said of her parenting technique. Chicot reveals Kate creates a sense of love and boundaries by getting "down to their level to talk to them" while still allowing them to "be children." Chicot adds, "She has a lovely balance of sensitivity and gentle boundaries."


Meanwhile, Radar Online reports that when the Cambridge kids misbehave, Kate has a tactic for helping to calm them. The duchess tells her children to "take a break" and then uses a puzzle or book to help them settle down. She also encourages her kids to spend time outdoors. "I think it's so great for physical and mental wellbeing and laying those foundations," Kate previously told the "Happy Baby Happy Mum" podcast.

Perhaps one of the most important things the Cambridges do is ensure their children have the most normal upbringing possible, despite their royal bloodline.

William & Kate try to give their kids a normal life

According to Vanity Fair, Prince William and Kate Middleton do their best to keep their children grounded and allow them to be kids. "Because of who they are, William and Kate have had to be highly organized parents," a source told The Sun. "But as parents, Wills and Kate have developed this brilliant knack of letting as much as they can seem spontaneous and that's how the children see it." The insider also revealed that Kate's upbringing helps her to keep her own feet on the ground and be an involved parent.


"She comes from a supportive family so she's very keen on family networks and networks of friends and organizations," the source said. "As parents they are also very good at rolling up their sleeves and helping out with school events; sports days, fundraisers and that sort of thing. They try to be just like normal parents with normal parenting challenges. No one ever jumps the queue for anything. They just try to fit in," the insider explained, revealing that Prince George and Princess Charlotte go by the names "George and Charlotte Cambridge" at school. "George might be a future king but for now he's just another little boy. They are always at great pains to make sure the three of them have as normal a childhood as possible," the source explained.


It seems that William and Kate's parenting style is more relatable than we thought. 

