The Strange Way The Queen's Jewels Are Cleaned

When you're the queen, you have people waiting on your hand and foot — plus your jewels! Queen Elizabeth's dressmaker, Angela Kelly, revealed the methods behind her many duties serving her majesty, including how she shines the royal jewels. According to People, the dressmaker released her first book, "The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, The Dresser and the Wardrobe" in which she shares her unusual cleaning agent that she uses for her important jobs. Hint: you likely have some in your liquor cabinet.


"A little gin and water come in handy to give the diamonds extra sparkle — just don't tell the jeweler!" she writes.

Since the queen wears her precious jewels to official dinners and fancy occasions, they often get hairspray and makeup on them. The outlet notes that during preparation for big events, Kelly lays out her gems on a diadem tray that belonged to the queen's grandmother after she's shined them up. "A drop of washing-up liquid and water will get rid of any hairspray stains," she writes.

People reports that Kelly's official title is the Personal Advisor and Curator (The Queen's Jewellery, Insignias and Wardrobe) and In-House Designer; plus, she got her boss' approval to pen new memoir. Her job involves curating her majesty's looks while caring for her wardrobe. For over 25 years, Kelly has been the queen's trusted advisor when it comes to her clothing.


Angela Kelly's book provides a glimpse into royal life

The royal wardrobe assistant has a few tricks up her sleeve beyond using her best bottle of gin on the queen's jewelry. After working with the monarch for over two decades, the two have formed a mutual trust and respect. Kelly told The Telegraph about their relationship in 2007, noting, "I don't know why the Queen seems fond of me — because I don't give her an easy time! I do think she values my opinion, but she is the one who is in control. She always makes the final decision."


"We are two typical women. We discuss clothes, make-up, jewelry. We say, 'Would this piece of jewelry look nice with that outfit?', and things like that," she added.

Her book also offers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into her majesty's life along with anecdotes. Even though she may have a few tricks in her back pocket, the gems she's responsible for get professionally cleaned on a regular basis, according to People. "The Queen's jeweler will give the stones a deep clean when necessary, so for me it's just a matter of a quick polish and they're sparkling once more."

As for other home remedies the royals use, Kelly also revealed that she once hand-dyed a royal christening gown with tea bags to recreate its original appearance, People details. "We placed each piece of lace in a small bowl, from the Dressers' Kitchen, filled with cool water and a tea bag, and left it for about five minutes, checking regularly until the colour was perfect," she wrote in her book. 


Even though the royal family may seem too proper to appreciate a solid home remedy, the queen's dressmaker proves otherwise.

