The Truth About Nose Piercings

The truth about nose piercings is a culturally rich one. According to Bustle, the nose piercing "dates back centuries to various civilizations." In South America and Central America, septum piercings were symbols of social status. The bigger your piercing, the higher status you had. Meanwhile, for tribes in the Middle East and Africa, the size of jewels one wore in their nose indicated familial wealth. Bustle explained that, "Nose rings were allegedly gifted to new brides by their husbands as a form of security."

Today, nose piercings have become mainstream face adornments. They're only becoming more common as time passes, and they're fun because, like with ear piercings, there are many different types of nose piercings. There's the septril piercing and the rhino piercing, for example, and we've also got you covered with our guide on how to best clean and care for your nose piercing(s).

But just what are the other types of nose piercings?

The piercings you need to know before you head to your local parlor

Nose piercing artistry is a specific skill set, and it leads to beautiful results. The different styles of nose piercings also keep them fun, fresh, and customizable. According to Spencer's, there are nine types of nose piercings. The rhino piercing, for example, "goes through the tip of your nose and exits through the skin above your septum," while the bridge piercing, like its name implies, goes through the bridge of the nose, parallel to your eyes. The Austin bar piercing, on the other hand, is more unique. "It runs horizontally through the tip of the nose, but does not run through the septum of the nasal cavity," they explain. The Nasallang piercing is similar to the Austin bar piercing, but it also runs through the septum.

Other nose piercings are variations of the same style. Nostril piercings are the most common and are indicated with a stud or a hoop on someone's nostril. Similarly, you can get a multiple nostril piercing which is just more than one piercing on a nostril, or a high nostril piercing, which is simply situated higher on your nose than the average nostril piercing.

Then there's the septum piercing. This one is sometimes referred to as the "bull piercing" and it "runs through the cartilaginous wall that divides both nostrils." Finally, there's the septril piercing. "Think of a [S]eptril piercing as a mixture of a rhino piercing and a septum piercing. This piercing requires a stretched septum because to achieve this look, you'll have to attach the piercing through the top of your nose to the stretched septum," Spencer's explained.

This is what to expect when getting a nose piercing

Once you've decided which type of nose piercing you want, you must prepare for your trip to get it, including knowing the price. According to The Pricer, nose piercings typically range in price between $40 and $90. One thing to watch out for, though, is whether the stud(s) you need are included in the price or not. Some piercing studios include them in the base price, while others add them on, so check your studio's website or ask before you commit to it. You should also double check the price based on the piercing you're getting. Septum piercings, for example, often cost more than nostril piercings, ranging between $50 and $100.

Another factor to consider when getting a nose piercing is the material being used. Some metals can cause sensitivity or even allergic reactions, so it's best to know your sensitivities before committing, too. Once you've gotten your piercing, expect a few weeks of healing time at minimum (via Healthline). They can take a few months to heal fully, but they don't require too much maintenance. You simply should use a saline solution on it twice a day and stop yourself from touching it unless you're cleaning it. The cleaning process is really quick, and you're left with an adornment that will make you look cute forever.