The Truth About Mommy Wine Culture

It seems like everything from t-shirts to dish towels and home decor signs have wine culture plastered all over them. With slogans like "Wine o'clock" and "Wine makes me a better person", it's hard to miss the message that wine can make you happier and more productive. A recent Marie Claire op-ed dove into the detriments of mommy wine culture, taking aim at companies who target mothers' vulnerabilities.


The article explains that instead of supporting women and mothers with what they actually need — better pay, more affordable child care and flexible scheduling — alcohol companies have tried to fill in the gap by promising a juice that fixes all. Particularly during the pandemic, women shouldered the brunt of the extra burdens by having to take care of their children in close quarters. As a result, alcohol consumption in this demographic went through the roof. Throughout the pandemic, women's heavy drinking episodes increased by 41%, the outlet notes.

Essentially, mommy wine culture promotes the idea that there's no way to get through your day as a parent without alcohol of some kind. It's drawn a lot of criticism over the years, not least of all from feminists who believe that it undermines what women really need: support and adequate resources.


Some believe mommy wine culture is contributing to alcoholism

Over the years, mothers all over the country have had to adjust to changing and multiplying demands. From paying bills to cleaning the house and taking care of children, the list of things to do seems to grow longer by the day. Unfortunately, many believe that mommy wine culture takes advantage of an already precarious situation. "We shouldn't say to a mom, 'Have a glass of wine because you're exhausted at the end of the day due to working, cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the kids.' What we need to say to a mom is, 'Wine is a fun treat sometimes, but here's some actual support,'" Irina Gonzalez, a sober mom from Florida, explained to Insider.


Furthermore, these signs and slogans normalize women not having their own lives outside of the home, the outlet contends. "The bottom line is that moms need better opportunities to have that adult life, instead of being stuck with hanging reminders of carefree days on the wall as they head into a second or third shift," another mom explained.

Indeed, many mothers lament feeling even more tired and overworked after downing a few glasses of wine. Marie Claire reports that Tropicana recently shared an advertisement with Molly Sims using their orange juice in her mimosa while telling the camera, "It's so I can be a better mom, the best mom."

The company apologized and pulled the ad. But, the message still rings true for many mothers: they aren't getting the support they need.


