The Important Thing Eric Trump Forgot To Do Before The Election

Eric Trump continues to be his father's biggest fan. During a 2021 appearance on Fox News, the former president's unofficial spokesman railed against everything that led to Donald Trump becoming public enemy No. 1. 


"They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us," he said, according to The Wrap. "Even when he's a private citizen, they're still trying to impeach him." He neglected to acknowledge that impeachment is actually a constitutional right, rather than some witch hunt. He continued: "They want to tar and feather the man. They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there's never been a more beloved political figure in our country's history."

In reality, Donald is one of the least popular politicians in American history. He's the first president, for example, to maintain an aggregate approval rating below 50% for his entire tenure. He ultimately managed a paltry 49% in early 2020 before the number plummeted back down again due to his widely derided reaction to the encroaching COVID-19 pandemic. It's worth noting, too, that Donald actually lost the popular vote by a massive 3 million votes in 2016 and by 7 million in 2021. 


Still, Eric maintained, "There are 75 million Americans who would follow him to the end of Earth." He might be on his father's side until the bitter end, but he neglected to do something imperative to getting Donald elected in the first place.

Neither Eric Trump nor Ivanka Trump managed to do this in time

As CNN reported in April 2016, a defiant Donald Trump appeared on "Fox & Friends" to reassure loyal fans that his adult children, Eric and Ivanka, felt "very, very guilty" that they wouldn't be able to vote for him in the New York primary election. According to the then-presidential candidate, his son and daughter both managed to miss the voter registration deadline despite, Donald acknowledged, having "a long time" to prepare. "They were unaware of the rules," he said. "But it's fine, I understand that." 


He argued that registration had to be done a year in advance. However, the New York State Board of Elections confirmed that they could've registered any time up until March 25. In order to switch parties, though, papers had to be filed by October 9, 2015, which was the real issue since both Eric and Ivanka were registered as independents. They complained that New York's registration process was "one of the most onerous" in a joint statement, noting that most states allow "you to change your status on or close to the date of voting, if even required." 

As The Guardian reported at the time, the fact that Ivanka wasn't registered was particularly funny considering she was front and center in several promotional videos encouraging her father's supporters to register ASAP. Thankfully for Donald, the other Trump kids were more organized: Don Jr. and Tiffany were both registered to vote as Republicans in their respective states.


