Here's How To Roast Pumpkin Seeds The Right Way

It might be tempting to ditch the seeds when disposing of your pumpkin's innards this fall, but those small kernels make a tasty treat when prepared correctly. If you manage to cook pumpkin seeds to your liking, you might be surprised to learn they're every bit as healthy as they are delicious. According to Healthline, whole seeds provide fiber, healthy fats, antioxidants, calcium, and iron, which benefits heart, prostate and bladder health.

While roasting pumpkin seeds might seem like a simple and straightforward process, it only takes one small misstep in the kitchen to create a less than flavorful — and pulpy — mess. You'll find many ways online to roast these seeds to bring out their best flavor, but not every method gets the same results. That's why we researched to find the best technique for making these wholesome fall treats that all members of the family — even your pets (says Glandex) — will love.

The key is in how you prep the seeds

Most recipes recommend cleaning and rinsing off pumpkin seeds to remove all of the pulp before roasting them, but there's a secret. Leaving the seeds and pulp together can not only save you a lot of hassle and time, but it'll also greatly improve the flavor of your snacks when done, according to Martha Stewart.

How you season the seeds is also important. Many people keep it simple by drizzling approximately 1 teaspoon of neutral oil, such as canola or coconut, over the seeds per 3/4 cup's worth. They then follow it up by seasoning with salt. However, you can experiment with a mix of spices to find your flavor preference.

Martha Stewart's recipe recommends trying a mix of fennel seeds, dried oregano, and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano for seasoning instead. Simply place the seeds, oil, and seasoning on a baking sheet, and toss it all together. If you're curious what temperature at which to set your oven, most recipes seem to agree roasting your seeds at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 to 25 minutes, or until they begin to brown, is ideal.