Here's What The October 6 New Moon Means For Earth Signs

The new moon on October 6, 2021 is set to be a very interesting one. Although the lunar event is taking place in the sign of Libra, which usually focuses on beauty, art, and love (via Shape), Mercury is still in retrograde, which means that things could be a bit dramatic until around October 18, per Mind Body Green. Famed astrologists The AstroTwins told the outlet that the combination holds a lot of promise for all members of the zodiac.


"Libra's amicable moonbeams hold the promise of pleasant negotiations, sweet heart-to-hearts, and even surprising new partnerships. Strive for greater mutuality with the people in your life (think interdependence, not codependence). Whether it's business, creative coupling, or a heart-palpitating romantic affair, let the negotiations begin!" the AstroTwins wrote.

They also claimed that it's the perfect time to give your space or style an overhaul and get to organizing the clutter that may be holding you back. "The 2021 Libra new moon is an optimal time to give your space a thoughtful style overhaul. What can you toss or donate? Why not declutter your closet and hold a clothing/decor/art swap with friends? Need inspiration? Charming Libra organizing guru Marie Kondo is worth a Netflix re-binge for ideas to achieve a less cluttered life," the twins wrote.


Meanwhile, for earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, the new moon is set to be a happy one.

Earth signs will benefit from the new moon on October 6

Cosmopolitan noted that there is a lot going on at the same time as the October 6, 2021 new moon, including six planetary retrogrades, and the dreaded Mercury retrograde. If you're a Taurus (born between April 20 and May 20), you may be sitting pretty this month. The new moon is set to bring you an abundance of blessings, which may come in the form of a big opportunity at work. You could be looking at big career advancement, but be patient and stay vigilant while making your decisions.


Virgos (born between August 23 and September 22) will find themselves looking at obtaining something they've wanted for a long time. Whether it's something tangible like a new car, or not, look to gain your heart's desire without much of an effort. Even if you're currently too busy to enjoy your new acquisition, just know that it will be there when the time's right to have some fun.

For Capricorns (born between December 22 and January 19), some busy days may be ahead. It seems that work could get a bit chaotic as the fall weather rolls in. However, this won't be a bad thing. There is the chance to gain some real ground in your career if you're ready to put in the work. If you stay patient and dedicated, good things will come to you.


It appears that earth signs stand to see some very positive changes in October, so be ready!

