How Far Is Meghan Markle's Dad Really Willing To Go To See Archie And Lilibet?

Meghan Markle's estranged father, Thomas Markle, continues to use the press in an increasingly desperate attempt to get her attention. And, following the birth of his granddaughter, Lilibet, last summer, Thomas has doubled down on his efforts. In July 2021, he threatened, in an interview with Fox News, to petition "the California courts for the rights to see my grandchildren in the very near future." As Thomas explained, "We shouldn't be punishing [Lili] for Meghan and Harry's bad behavior. Archie and Lili are small children."


Meghan and husband Prince Harry neglected to respond to her father's assertions, but just a month later, Thomas shared in a TV interview that he was so confident about meeting the kids (Meghan's father hasn't met her son Archie, either) that he planned on not calling his granddaughter Lilibet, deeming it "unnecessary." According to the Daily Star, Thomas argued, "I call her Lili. Just plain Lili. I think that's a great name. Lili is a perfect name for her." He added, "I'd dearly like to see her and hold her."

Thomas confirmed likewise for Archie, while also taking the opportunity to decry Meghan and Harry's attacks on the royal family as "embarrassing and unforgivable." This is one granddad who's willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. 


Thomas Markle isn't willing to go the legal route

Although he was spoiling for a fight earlier in 2021, Thomas Markle has clarified he won't be taking legal action against daughter Meghan Markle and her husband, Prince Harry, to force them to allow him to spend time with his grandchildren, after all. Express reports, during a recent appearance on "Good Morning Britain," Meghan's estranged father revealed, "I've been told by several lawyers that grandparents have sued to see their grandchildren and have won." However, he's not willing to go that far, reasoning, "I don't want to involve my grandchildren as pawns in a game, they're not part of a game. They're my grandchildren." The former lighting director hasn't met Archie or Lilibet, nor even Harry, aside from a single telephone conversation. 


Although he was close with Meghan during her early life, the two have been completely estranged ever since she became involved with the royals. Thomas was widely criticized for allegedly betraying the duchess, as she termed it during the Oprah Winfrey interview in 2021, following reports he had liaised with paparazzi to sell photos, which ultimately led to Thomas being cut out of her wedding. This hasn't stopped Thomas speaking out in the press about his daughter, however. During the "GMB" interview, he shared a message directly to the kids, noting they're from "two loving families." Thomas also envisions himself as a "great little playmate" for Archie, in particular. Clearly, he hasn't given up hope just yet. 


