Costume Designer Shares Insight Into How Spencer Differs From Diana's Real Life

There have been many movies and TV shows centered around the royal family across the decades, but these days, it's hard to keep up with all of the new pieces of pop culture being made about them. The wild success of Netflix's series "The Crown" made viewers more interested than ever before. 


According to historian and royal expert Robert Lacey, shows like "The Crown" have changed the world's views on the firm (via BBC). "There's no doubt that 'The Crown' has changed our perceptions of the monarchy," he said. "It's made it into a sort of entertainment, which it wasn't before, but I think it's also allowed people to appreciate both the challenges and the benefits of being in the royal family."

The royal family is extremely popular in the United States and no one was quite as beloved as Princess Diana (via CNN). When she tragically died, it sent shockwaves across the world. Several films and TV series have been made about the Princess and her legacy, but with success surrounding shows like "The Crown," another filmmaker is trying their hand at making a movie about the Princess. This one, however, isn't aiming to be a perfect depiction of the late princess' life.


Spencer isn't a perfect replication of Diana's life

According to Yahoo!, "Spencer," the latest film to focus on the life of Princess Diana, is already rumored to be a favorite at the Oscars. Kristen Stewart plays the role of the late princess and said that by the end of filming, she was in love with the character. However, the movie strays away from the storylines most Princess Diana features choose to focus on. This film is about the Christmas holiday she spent with the Royal Family in 1991 when she made the decision to leave her marriage.


When it came to styling Stewart for the role, costume designer Jacqueline Durran didn't want to completely duplicate the looks Princess Diana wore. "The idea was that we were never slavishly replicating all of Diana's looks, but we were definitely riffing on the idea of them," she shared with Entertainment Weekly. "So we were quite consciously not trying to do the closest version we could in every instance. But in some places we used things that were exactly her style and then other places we drifted off."

Like the film, the costuming was not intended to replicate Princess Diana perfectly. Rather, Stewart and the film portray an essence of the Princess. We can't wait to see the end result!

