The Real Reason Lorne Michaels Loves Having Athletes On SNL

Lorne Michaels, creator of the long-running sketch comedy series "Saturday Night Live," has managed some of the biggest names in the business during his tenure. The "SNL" cast member alumni reads like a who's who of comedy royalty and includes: Adam Sandler, Leslie Jones, Tina Fey, Andy Sandberg, and Will Farrell (via Paste).


Michaels has been witness to so much raw comedic talent, surely he must have some favorites? At the time of writing, Michaels has yet to reveal any type of top ten list. Though he did let it slip that "Bridesmaids" star and cast member alum, Kristin Wiig was in the "top three or four" of the best performers ever to star on the show (via EW).

The show's creator may have the utmost respect for the cast and crew by staying professional and not publicly stating his favorites, but that doesn't stop him from comparing comedians to monkeys in a zoo. Seasoned comedian, Marc Maron claimed to fellow comedic vet, Jerry Seinfeld, that Michaels once said, "People go to the zoo to see the lions, but they always end up watching the monkeys" (per Ranker).


Lorne Michaels likes guest stars who know their mark

Ok, so we don't know Michaels' all-time favorite monkeys. But we did find out to which type of "SNL" guest stars the show's creator is most partial.

Maron isn't the only long-time cast member alum dishing what they know about their former boss. Another "SNL" alum, Kevin Nealon, revealed in 2015 which guest stars Michaels absolutely loved having on the show. And surprisingly, they weren't the ones who had a career in making people laugh. "I would say athletes," reveals Nealon. Adding, "Lorne Michaels loved them because they always knew where to hit their mark because they're used to being told where to go on the field. When you tell them to go right there, they're gonna be there," he said (per HuffPost).


We have to say we understand Michaels' appreciation. Surely the boss of a sketch comedy series has had to deal with more than a few creative artist meltdowns. Nothing wrong with being partial to the guest stars who stay on their mark. If it ever happens, we're looking forward to the day Michaels lets more of his favorites become public knowledge. 

