Will We Ever See Cassadee Pope On The Voice Again? - Exclusive

Cassadee Pope was a memorable presence on "The Voice" — her vocal power and versatility earned her the respect and admiration of judges and viewers alike. Pope's time on "The Voice" not only refueled her already successful musical career (her popular punk-pop band "Hey Monday" was on hiatus at the time) but left her with some amazing memories, such as opportunities to perform with some of her favorite artists, including Avril Lavigne and The Killers.


It's become a custom of sorts for successful contestants on singing shows to return in later seasons as either guest performers or coaches. And this makes sense — they know the show, the challenges contestants face, and what contestants need to deliver to succeed. And it's no doubt a more relaxing way to participate in the show, since this time, the spotlight and the pressure will be on someone else. But is it always the smartest way for a rising musical artist to boost his or her career? 

In this exclusive interview, Pope shares her thoughts on her time on "The Voice" –- and whether she'd ever go back.

Competing on The Voice was both wonderful and difficult

Cassadee Pope spoke fondly about her time on "The Voice." "I got to sing with Avril Lavigne, who's a hero of mine. I've always loved Avril," she recalled. "I got to sing with The Killers for one of their performances as a guest. I got to sing with Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton, so I think my favorite moments were when I actually got to collaborate with the artists that I'm inspired by." She also stayed in touch with her coach on the show, Blake Shelton, who's become a friend and booster. "He actually hosted my album release party a few years ago back in his bar, Ole Red here in Nashville, which was really sweet, and he's just always been super supportive and encouraging ever since the show, so he's awesome," she said.


Still, competing on "The Voice" wasn't all fun and games. Pope says watching the show now is a very different — and more stressful — experience than watching it as an outsider. "I do watch it," she said. "I do have to take breaks because I do know the anxiety and the stress all of these artists are feeling in these situations. So sometimes, if it's a very high-stake situation, it's really nerve-racking for me, I might have to just walk away for a minute and then come back because I just, I know what they're going through and it's so hard."

She'd return to The Voice, but not as a competitor

While competing on "The Voice" was a rewarding — and career-boosting — experience for Cassadee Pope, she has no desire to repeat it. "It's funny. I think I have stress dreams of going back to "The Voice" and having the all-star Voice competition of all the winners competing against each other, which sounds like a nightmare for me," she said.


But she hasn't completely left the show behind. Just as she's stayed in touch with Blake Shelton, she's kept in touch with the show's producers, who've invited her to share her talents in other ways. "I did get to consult, be a consultant on Kelly Clarkson's team a few years ago, which was really cool," she said. She added that knowing what she does now, she'd definitely consider returning as a coach or consultant to support the next generation of performers. "Going back and doing something like that would be awesome," she said. Pope stays busy though and gives her time and dedication to a partnership with the BETTER CITIES FOR PETS Program.

