Here's What The Real World: Los Angeles Cast Members Are Up To Today

Get ready to head back to the '90s, my friends. We're not talking fashion trends, either. "The Real World: Los Angeles" has gotten back together for "The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles" special on Paramount+, and things are getting wild. The cast is essentially reuniting 29 years later to, well, do it all again. According to Entertainment Weekly, Beth Anthony, Beth Stolarczyk, David Edwards, Glen Naessens, Irene Berrera-Kearns, Jon Brennan, and Tami Roman are all staying in their original four-bedroom house again for the TV reality show.


It's been three decades since the cast filmed the series, and a lot has changed in their lives. But also, not a whole lot has changed at the same time, according to Entertainment Weekly. "So, this is a heated Homecoming — and we are a controversial bunch," Beth A. continues. "There are a lot of hot topics that were just as relevant in 1993 as they are today, and we were brave enough to go down that road."

Here's a rundown on where the cast is now before you catch up on the season. 

Beth Anthony is a production coordinator now

Beth Anthony wasn't originally on the cast of "Real World: Los Angeles," but once she stepped in for Irene Berrera-Kearns, it was like she had always been there. So much so that she'll be on the "Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles" special. According to MTV Real World Fandom, Anthony came onto the show hoping to educate her roommates about her lesbian background. The publication also states that she became super close friends with Glen Naessens, whom she still talks to today.


While her Instagram is filled with selfies and throwback pictures, Anthony is a production coordinator in the entertainment industry (via Fandom). She doesn't post professionally on her page. Instead, she shares photos of her wife, throwbacks from the show, and everyday moments from her life.

It's fun to see her embracing her past and giving everyone some much-needed refreshers before the show airs. If you're looking to catch up on her season of "The Real World: Los Angeles," then her Instagram is the perfect highlight reel. She posts tons of throwbacks from her time on the show and from magazine shoots from the '90s.

Beth Stolarczyk owns her own eyelash business

Yes, there were two Beths on "The Real World: Los Angeles." That's not the only MTV show that you've likely seen Beth Stolarczyk on though. Stolarczyk was on the Paramount+ season of "The Challenge All Stars," Season 1. While the 52-year-old will be living in the house with her ex-roommates for the reunion season, she hasn't just stuck to the reality world. Stolarczyk has made a name for herself in the business world as well.


According to her Instagram, Stolarczykis the founder and producer of Eyelusion Lashes Beverly Hills, which creates "premium luxury eye lifting lashes." The reality star produced her content for the brand's Instagram page. The high-priced lashes are a whopping $32 each, and the Eyelusion Lashes Beverly Hills website claims that they will make you look "five to 10 years younger" and have you looking "wide awake and well rested."

David Edwards had a short-lived acting career

If you don't remember David Edwards, that's because he wasn't on the show for an entire season. Edwards was the first person ever to be removed from "The Real World." As Entertainment Weekly explains it, Edwards and two other roommates were in a tug-of-war over Irene's blanket, which she was using to cover her half-naked body. Edwards was then removed from the show, but is on the upcoming season on Paramount+ with the other castmates. "You guys have to watch the show to get where I am coming from," he tells Entertainment Weekly. 


Despite his removal from the television show, Edwards went on to be a comedian and actor (via MTV Real World Fandom). According to IMDb, he appeared in "In Living Color," "Half-Baked," and "Scary Movie 3." While he only has six acting credits listed, there are also two directing credits. If his Entertainment Weekly interview is any indication, it seems like he's got a whole lot more drama left in him as well.

Glen Naessens lays super low on social media

Glen Naessens moved into the house after Edwards got kicked out for his incident, and, according to the other cast's social media, it seems like he made lasting friendships with almost the entire house. In fact, according to TV Insider, he was the world's greatest roomie. He does lay extremely low on social media today though, so you'll have to tune into the show to see his real-life update on how he's doing today.


Just because he's laying low doesn't meant hat he hasn't found some success though. Today he owns his own coffee shop in his hometown of Philadelphia called Venus Fly Trap, according to TV Insider. It's a "coffee dive with a really strong house blend," according to his hometown paper, which the publication found. This was the only trace of him found on the internet, but the 51 year old will appear on the Paramount+ show. It's not often that a social media star goes off the grid — so good for him!

Irene Berrera-Kearns is a deputy marshal

Just like Glen Naessens, Irene Berrera-Kearns has kept her life completely off the grid since filming the MTV show. Again, it makes sense considering that this was not exactly the generation of social media, but it's interesting to see that she will be back on the show for the special. Berrera-Kearns is pictured above in the red dress and has actually stayed in Los Angeles for her career, which has nothing to do with acting or reality television.


According MTV Real World Fandom, Berrera-Kearns is Deputy Marshal for the Los Angeles County Marshals Department and spends her day as a bailiff most days. It will be interesting to see how her career in law enforcement will come into play while living with all of her old roommates. Berrera-Kearns has not done any social media promotion for the show and seems to be laying low.

Jon Brennan is a country music artist

Unlike some of his roommates, Jon Brennan has jumped feet first into the world of social media since being on "The Real World: Los Angeles." According to his Instagram page, he is a "country music artist," as well as a "reality TV pioneer." On top of that, he also adds the titles of "missionary," 'Earth trekker," "influencer," and "mentor" into the mix. Needless to say, Brennan will be a real personality on screen this season. He also is fully committed to wearing his cowboy hat at all times, from the looks of his Entertainment TV interview and his social media.


Brennan didn't always wear a cowboy hat though. He has posted a whole lot of throwback photos from his season of "The Real World: Los Angeles" on his Instagram, and he's wearing a baseball hat in all of them. A hat's a hat though, you know? At least he's consistent. 

Tami Roman Youngblood is committed to a life of show business

Last but not least is the most social-media affluent of them all. Tami Roman Youngblood has a whopping 3.2 million followers on her Instagram, at the time of publication. Just like Jon Brennan, she has fully committed to a life of show since her season on MTV. Her Instagram says that she's an actress, author, and executive producer. She's also married to former NFL prospect, Reggie Youngblood, who makes an appearance on "The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles." 


With all these personalities in one place, "The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles" is without a doubt destined to be just as entertaining as it was in the '90s. After all, when you put all of these strangers in a house, forced to live and work together, it's guaranteed to be eventful. Especially considering that the original show had a whopping 33 seasons. 

Here's to a whole new generation of drama. "The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles" streams Wednesdays on Paramount+. 

